Thread: OscarMeyer 280g
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Old 01-18-2017, 06:22 PM
OscarMeyer OscarMeyer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 60
OscarMeyer is on a distinguished road

Tank is still dry, I need to raise the stand about 4" and add a solid bottom for the Sump. Glass would be the best option, but I'm weary about having two piece's of glass that close together, I'd have to make sure I silicone the edges extremely well so I didn't have water get in between the glass, like what happened to the acrylic. I found a company in Richmond that can do water just cutting, if I can find a piece of glass I might just get them to water jet the weir ontop for me.

Still looking through options.
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