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Old 01-16-2017, 07:56 PM
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TimT TimT is offline
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Default Phosphate reduction

Lots of good info in this thread and I'd like to add a few things.

The most cost effective method of lowering high phosphate levels is to use Foz Down. It is best to slowly lower the Phosphate levels as you can easily shock the corals. Recommendation is no more than 0.25mg/l per 24hr period, even better is 0.25mg/l in a 48 hr period, especially if you have sensitive corals. Phosphate levels can be easily maintained between .02mg/l and .03mg/l with Foz Down and no need to use GFO.

While on the topic of GFO there is a few negative effects of GFO on our systems. The first being that GFO releases Iron into the water which is a nutrient for macroalgaes. Second is that GFO is used in potable water systems to absorb arsenic. It also absorbs other heavy metals, sometimes known as trace metals in reefkeeping.

My preferred method of carbon dosing is to use Vodka/Vinegar. I prefer this method over biopellets as it is simpler and easier to regulate/control. Since free floating bacteria is used as a food source for the majority of corals, including acros. It is beneficial for the corals to use Vodka/Vinegar dosing as it naturally produces a food source.

If your water sample is over range(too high Phosphate level) in your tester you can dilute sample by 50% or 75% with RO/DI water and then just multiply the results by 2 or 3.

__________________ - Foz Down - an easy way to eliminate algae outbreaks caused by Phosphate and bring back the fun of reef keeping.
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