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Old 01-16-2017, 07:46 PM
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The OP "rockworm" replied on another's his response:

Originally Posted by rockworm
Thank you for the very detailed timeline. I am the customer and have no control of the supply line and no access to communications between the supplier and the vendor. I also do not expect to have this access. There were mistakes made by both parties that affected me.

I will have the skimmer on Tuesday and I will move forward. I originally made the request to the LFS on December 16. I will receive the item on January 17 (16th if LFS was open). Perhaps I should not have brought this to forums. I was frustrated enough that I had to vent. As far as I was concerned, the supply chain failed, and I had no reason not to believe my LFS.

Finally, I again thank you for providing the chain of events that occurred. I do hope that this circumstance can be used by all, me included, to better improve customer service to all.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.