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Old 12-07-2004, 06:51 AM
PrairieReefer PrairieReefer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Lloydminster, Alberta
Posts: 61
PrairieReefer is on a distinguished road

I have had 3 lawnmower blennys. The first two never touched hair algae either, just the film. This third one that I now have is just incredible. He is an eating machine. He swims around the tank RIPPING huge mouthfuls of hair algae out all over. He looks like when you play with a dog with a rope. He grabs a mouthful and yanks back and forth until it comes free. I guess it is just hit or miss to get one that eats hair algae.

How was I to know that Salt was an addictive drug?
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