Well I have been neglecting this journal because I have been neglecting the tank.
I guess I have been having a bit of a phosphate issue from 1 thing or another, oddly not the water source!
Its a bit of a domino effect it seems.
GHA has taken over and I cant seem to keep lps or sps alive despite keeping alk and other levels stable and in range. Except my bubble coral which continues to get massive and thrive and 2 small acan frags I have had forever that keep being stung by other corals or getting kicked around by the fish. Otherwise It's just sofies left. Other remaining lsp are being babysat in someone elses tank.
Problem is the wrasses continue to rip up the gha in search of food which just helps spread it. Urgh. Bloody fish. Lets try this reactor thingy out and see what happens.
Honestly ... oh well! Softies are pretty and the fish have personality.
I had a small loss the end of summer or after my last update. Ick. Learned a good lesson. Do not buy fish from Pet Lovers! Lost my butterfly, male nemo, 2 anthias and damsel. The tangs were untouched by the ick.... strange fish. So since everyone remained fat happy and healthy since then, I went on a bit of a boxing day shopping spree.
Got some new fish. Very happy J&L still had the fish I wanted and had on my list.
Got a lovely Orange Spot Foxface. A big fat Picture Wrasse. And a spunky little dragon wrasse. Oh and a new Damsel. Not on my list but I ended up grabbing a Coral Beauty, dont care anymore about corals getting eaten so it was time for an angel.
Since its been almost a week they are all doing well. A few spats on day 1 but everyone is getting along. The Melanurus occasionally reminds the Picture wrasse that he is in charge. Female nemo has stopped being a total turd.
Everyones fins are healing fast from her attitude problem.
The anthias are weird. They love playing at the water surface. Constantly splashing.
This damsel is much more adventerous. He actually swims around the tank rather then hides in 1 spot.
My Blenny is still going. He will be 5 in the spring. Nobody bothers him. Had to fish him out of the overflow again the other day. Think he was just grazing near the wrong spot and oops! Floody fish takes near an hour to get out.
Love the colours of the foxface .... why didn't I get one sooner!
Red coris is slowly changing. But still an ugly fish right now. Totally different looking with a flashlight.
Fish have all learnt to eat seaweed. Yes all. I have to put extra out because the wrasses eat it all and leave none for the tangs. The melanurus or blackstripe usually rip the whole piece out of the clip and try and swallow it whole while the other fish chase them around.
Anyway. I think i have included a photo of just about everyone minus 1 of each anthias. Probably still forgot someone. Oh well. I think im fish > coral now.