Originally Posted by Myka
Anyone that can take a half decent wrasse picture has my admiration.  My pics all look like pink/orange/yellow streaks. Love the Oregon Tort, how long have you had it? I haven't managed to locate a frag yet...
You have the 200 series Gyre or the 100 series? I had an XF150 for a year in my tank, and found it noisy even with brand new (150) motor and mounting blocks. I installed a couple XF230 for a friend and they were really noisy too. I agree with you, Tunze are still hard to beat, and the MP fans out there are definitely wrong.  Tunze has been making noise for a couple years now about a new controller in response to the programming/controllability of the MP and new Gyres, but I think they still have yet to release it. It seemed like it was close last fall, but I haven't heard much since. I'll be first in line on that bandwagon as soon as it's available.
Thanks myka, I had the Oregon tort for bout 2 years it's been a slow grower but it's coming around. We can work out deal on a frag...👌
Gyres I run are the 150s. I had a slight breaking period with some excess noise but after that it was all good. I do ran a maxpect dual controller and during pulse it makes some decent noise from the ramp up and ramp down but nothing my ati fans wouldn't drown out lol. Tunzes are the staple pumps, low maintenance and good performer. When ever the power is out, those are my go to pumps. I think flow technology has hit its pinnacle. I can't see them making it anymore efficient than what they are now all the other brands are just duplicates.