Anyone that can take a half decent wrasse picture has my admiration.

My pics all look like pink/orange/yellow streaks. Love the Oregon Tort, how long have you had it? I haven't managed to locate a frag yet...
You have the 200 series Gyre or the 100 series? I had an XF150 for a year in my tank, and found it noisy even with brand new (150) motor and mounting blocks. I installed a couple XF230 for a friend and they were really noisy too. I agree with you, Tunze are still hard to beat, and the MP fans out there are definitely wrong.

Tunze has been making noise for a couple years now about a new controller in response to the programming/controllability of the MP and new Gyres, but I think they still have yet to release it. It seemed like it was close last fall, but I haven't heard much since. I'll be first in line on that bandwagon as soon as it's available.