Originally Posted by carnut
did you hang it or use the feet? Can you move the hanging point on the light or are the holes fixed? Sorry for all the questions. Any tank pics you would like to share 
Carnut, I ended up using the supplied legs to mount on to the sides of the aquarium. I had to modify my egg crate lid a bit to make it fit hit works fine. The mounting arms are adjustable with 3 different holes for width (shortest is 48") and 3 holes for the height (mine are currently set for 8" above the tank). There are 4 anchor points on the top of the light which slide on a channel the entire length of the light ( 2 separate channels with 2 anchors on each). This should allow you a word range of movement if you choose to hang it with the supplied mounting kit.
I took a quick photo for you (unfortunately the light is already off per my schedule). Hope this helps! Clean looking light and very versatile. I'm only running my actinic and white at 60%... so not under powered.