Originally Posted by Scythanith
Congrats! Always an exciting feeling getting new kit  I'd still take a look at what's in the floor underneath. New homes aren't necessarily built as good/better than the old ones lol! I wouldn't think you have much to worry about but an extra post and cross brace might not be the worst idea if you have doubts.
I think the red would look sweet!
Exciting it is indeed!
I'm not sure if I'm concerned or just overthinking it. Underneath the tank location is a bedroom. Putting an extra post or extra bracing is not a simple task in this case. The concrete walls are right below where the tank is going and the main joist holding the back wall of the house is just to the right of the tank location.
Originally Posted by GQsmooth
Just make sure your tank is perpendicular to the floor joists. I am building the same kind of setup with a 220G on the main floor.
Based on what I can see in the furnace room in the basement, the floor joists are running parallel to the tank. I'm thinking that because the tank is going next to two exterior walls,the floor should have ample strength to hold the weight.