Okay..so it's been a year and I still have the following remaining items!
Not going to check what what they go for now...I'll just guess and say take everything listed below for $170?
I think that's a deal?..Which is what I'm aiming for..so shoot me whatever number looks good to you!
Everything was used for only a few months before I decided to quit last year.
I'll be out running errands so here's my number if you need to reach me: 604-653-8627
1) Submersible Heaters with indicator light, automatic shut off, 18C-33C
- 1x 200W Heater (New)
- 1x 300W Heater (New)
- 2x 300W Heaters (Used)

2) Carbon Pellets (4.73L)
- 80% full
- Dosage: 1 Tablespoon per 10G
3) LED Full Spectrum Light Fixture with Internal Timer and Remote Control
- 55x3W Epistar/Bridgelux
- Blue, Royal Blue, White, Cool White, Warm White, Violet, UV, Red, Green LEDs
- Only 1 Cable
- 2 Fans
- 2 Channels, both dimmable
- Timer adjustable for each channel

4) Jebao DC-6000 Pump
- 1585 Gal/Hr
- Head height: 3.6m
- Adjustable 6 Speed Settings
- Gradual Speed Start
- 10min Feeding mode
- Automatically turns off if no water detected
5) Eshopps Overflow Box PF-800 with tubing and return outlet
- 10”H x 8”L x 3”W
- 800 GPH, rated up to 125 G
- This has never failed on me. It automatically stops draining the tank during water changes and restarts on its own when the tank is filled again, every single time.

Hagen Surface Skimmer
- Attaches to Aquaclear Filters
6) Nitrile Gloves (Arms length)
- Latex free
-Textured fingers for grip
7) 2x Collapsible Water Container with spigot (2 Gallons each)
- BPA Free
- Used to store calcium and alkalinity for top-off
8) Narrow Water Container with spigot
(7 Gallons)
- BPA Free
- Used to store clean top-off water
- 21.8” H x 15.5” L x 7.3” W