Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
Leak detection systems are normally outside your tanks, on the floor... 
This is true. The only copper that is close to my water is the bent coat hangers I wrapped in tape and used for my apex main pump safety OFF switch.
The copper only hits the water instantaneously for a second max then the pump is triggered off, my water level drops instantly and fast (1.5" drain times 2 1.5" return thats 4.5 inches of straight down to my basement sump.) This drops the water instantly in my tank then the pump will turn back on after a few seconds.
At no time is the copper really "in" my tank. The water once it hits the top rim of my tank in the event that somehow magically my 2 drains were to be clogged up or not working my pump will shutoff any I wont have 6000GPH spewing out all over my living room upstairs.
The apex probes look like stainless, they have stainless philips screws right on the bottom of them holding them together.
If you believe that a tiny coat hanger tip just merely brushing the surface of your water for less than a second is going to somehow leach or put something bad in the water then go ahead and spend the $50 for a neptune probe but I dont see a problem. I would even run this on a 5 gallon nano system as I dont believe that brief encounter is going to harm the water also your drains should never clog nor should your pump change speeds but this is a 100% failsafe that will let you sleep good at night and when your away on vacation.
I do see your point on copper -> saltwater but I dont think the design I am using was really explained the greatest in the beginning.