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Old 12-09-2016, 04:09 AM
element291 element291 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Ontario
Posts: 33
element291 is on a distinguished road

If I close one completely and just use one drain I still have to close off that drain 50% or more due to how fast the drain is vs the pump.
I had the gate valves glued in downstairs initially, this made it a 2 man job to tune anything and it made for a lot more air noise upstairs, once I moved the valves right below the overflow boxes the air sound was cut in half when it wasnt operating right or the pump had just turned back on.

I think step #1 is to cut off that joiner I put at the sump linking both drain lines into one. That is bad I believe from a lot of reading. Its strange right now if I walk over to the tank and hold my finger over the hole I have in the top of my right side drain pipe it has no effect... You'd think it would, it changed the siphon on all my previous tanks if that hole got clogged or covered...
I can plug the hole for even a minute and notice zero change in operation. Still stays 100% silent upstairs.

Last edited by element291; 12-09-2016 at 04:16 AM.
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