I hadn't realized just how long it had been since I had updated things. Since the last update I've lost a few fish. I have no idea why any of them died. No obvious indications, all fine one day and dead the next. The Naso died while I was working out of town. Wife called me said he was stuck on one of the MP40's dead. The Flame Angel died under similarly mysterious circumstances, but I did have her for a while being one of the first fish I bought when I started the hobby 5 or 6 years ago.
The Coral banded shrimp ended up in the overflow and tried to go down the herbie siphon - didn't make it. And lastly the male anthias just disappeared one day never to be seen again. I never found the body or anything - weird since I don't have any hermit's.
Anyway here's a couple fairly poopy shots taken with my iPad.
FTS - I still have the yellow tang and the Sailfin.
The small zoa garden
and an end tank shot