Originally Posted by ogopogo
I have one urchin already. My tank stocking is rather low currently. 75 total gallon (60 display 15 total water in sump) 2 watchmen gobies, 1 flasher wrasse, 1 dotty back, and numerous snails and hermit crabs. With one urchin too. Would another urchin be to much?
Which type of Urchin do you have? Long Spines are the best as far as varieties of algae go, but would get too big for your tank and you'd need to find a home for him at some point. Two urchins in your tank is a lot too. Since your current Urchin won't touch it, I have less faith that a Long Spine would, but maybe.
Another option would be Emerald Crabs. They eat a lot of algae. Foxface Rabbit fish too, though you'd have to re-home this guy too.
Otherwise, there are certainly a lot of algae that are unpalatable to fish and clean up crew.