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Old 11-27-2016, 12:37 PM
Humpty Humpty is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Calgary
Posts: 25
Humpty is on a distinguished road

Still have a few corals left, here is the updated list

Blue Digitata $10 *SOLD*
Bird of paradise $20 *SOLD*
Ultimate Bonsai $20 *SOLD*
Regular Bonsai $10
Montipora Capitata $10-$50
Green Stylophora $20 *SOLD*
Highlighter Green Monti $20 *SOLD*
Red Monti $5
Greeen with Purple Rim Monti $20
Idaho grape Monti $20 *SOLD*
Rainbow Monti $30 *SOLD*

ZOA's & PALY's
Armageddons $40
Sunny D's $20
Pink Zippers $20-$40
Gorilla Nipples $30
Bali Safecrackers $40
Captain Americas $10-$30
Blue Steel $10-$20 *SOLD*

Kryptonite Candy Cane $30
Cobalt Candy Cane $10
Red War Coral $10
Teal War Coral $20 *SOLD*
Purple Corky Finger $10
Blue Sympodium $10
Green Star Polyp $5
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