Thank you So much for responding, but I don't feel that setup would be the best option because it is a peninsula style tank so is viewed on both long sides. That's why I was thinking to have the one type of light in the middle and the other flanking it's sides.
I already have a similar setup with a Maxspect Razor in the middle, then on each side 2 kessil 160's, and on the outside of all that 2 Aquatic life 2 x bulb fixtures.
It's a bit messy looking altogether but works really well with one other exception. The Maxspect and Kessils run on programs that retain their brains even if the power glitches, whereas the T5's don't. Plus the new tank will be a foot longer at least so I need longer T5's anyway ...
I haven't decided 100% yet on the new build's dimensions because I want to work out things like the lighting first.
Next thing is the overflow and returns and power heads
