Looking to clear out the rack, prefer trades for other high end stuff but will take cash as well.
Currently looking for:
Blue Hornets
Red Hornets
Candy Apple Reds
Blue Eyed Blondes
My Clementines
Space Invader Pect
Among a few others, PM is key don't hesitate.
Have shipped in the past but for ease of convenience I think I'm going to keep this local. Located Calgary SW, directly south of Mount Royal University.
Taking pictures with my Canon tends to be a nightmare because of the frag rack locations so if you need more pictures shoot me a PM and I can text you some photos.
Picture priced as is, Rainbow chalices are lineaged through Mad Jelly Corals and are Daryl V 5 Color Rainbows.
The ones priced @ $60/$80 are the same lineage but have yet to grow the red/ orange coloration yet.
The Bounce Mushroom listed @ $300 is 7 polyps of the Beyonce Booty Bounce lineaged through ReefWars.
If your looking for other high end shrooms I currently have the Reef Koi Bounce and legit Jawbreaker growing out, feel free to inquire.
$300, Same as above just at a side angle
Examples of grow-out colony colors:
Same pieces different angle.
Also have a few pieces of Palau nepthea $40/per frag (2+" multi branch)

(Not my picture)
Tyree Armageddon mini colony (30+ polyps PICTURED) $60
Also have a frag colony with (9+ polyps NOT PICTURED) $20
I also have a couple frags of the following:
-Jason Fox Butt Munchers
-Reef Raft Jumbo Hornets
-ORA green psammocora
PM for pictures & prices.