More growth pics
Not very exciting ... I need fish!
Having no fish in the tank is stunting growth.
I think this is most evident in the shot of the Green Efflo ... total color loss.
Been adding Seachem Nitrogen to elevate NO3, and feeding the hermits shrimps and snails.
NO3 was zero for the longest time with a mild/heavy bioload of fishies.
Now with no load in the DT algae is becoming an issue.
Not so much that it's ugly, but enough to make me want to deal with it right away.
Started by adding Seachem Nitrogen @ 2ml/day. No change in a week.
Started 5ml/day yesterday.
Algae is going away ... snails are prolly hungry.
Tonight I finally read a bit of NO3 ... maybe 1.0 ... hard to tell as I had to look through the side of the Salifert thingy.
Going to keep adding the Nitrogen @ 5ml/day.
I'm thinking I'll leave my GFO alone (rise from 0.03 to 0.06) while the bacteria catch up with the nitrogen addition.
Yup, I'll give it another week or so and see what happens before I change anything else.
We'll see how the growth pics look in a couple months.
Catalin's Turaki
Frags from Warren;
Crazy Deepwater Acro ?
Green Efflo
Red Hair Lemonade
Was broken a couple times while removing fish so the growth bits are now new frags