Update time...
So after being away for a month the tank had some issues when I got back, as can be expected from skipping water-changes , overfeeding and a general lack of husbandry. The Sandsifting goby was also nowhere to be seen and hair algae had taken hold.
I removed what I could by hand, turned off all the lighting and increased the flow by upgrading my Reeflo Dart Gold to a Hammerhead. At the 11 foot head I was running the Dart was almost losing 70% of it's flow so it was time to do something about it.
The tank cleaned up nicely, and just in time for it's upcoming 1 year anniversary! Now all I need to do is start stocking corals...
Looking forward to getting rid of the remaining hair algae I put a couple Sandsifting gobies in QT along with a Scribbled Rabbitfish and a couple more turbo snails. That should do it right?
Well, wanting immediate satisfaction I dropped the snails straight into the DT, after acclimating them and giving them rinse and some toothbrush action, just to be sure.
Bad idea. Very, very bad idea.
Mega mundo bad.
10 days later the Kole tang has some discolored patches... yup, it's flashing. Hmm, I wonder... what's that on the 12 inch Naso tang? Ooh, a lovely white spot on his caudal fin, maybe he ran into something. Hmm, another white spot above his eye? Looking closely, (now getting down on my knees and gripping the tank stand with white knuckles). As the light catches the Kole you can clearly see, she's covered in spots! I get up and stagger away from the tank in disbelief, feeling the urge to projectile vomit, run away... or both... at the same time. Twice.
For the first time since starting this "adventure" in saltwater lunacy I was thinking of getting out. This tank has really taken a toll on my mental health and state of well being. The amount of time and money to set it up and then getting the rug pulled out from under me 1 day before the tank turns one year old.
Then again, without it I'd be bored out of my mind

And I love my fish.
I did a lot of reading and decided to give it a day or two, I'm off to a overnight business thing the next morning anyway so can't act anyway.
A day later I get back and the Anthias start flashing and the tangs start showing more raised spots. I guess it's probably not Velvet 'cause they're still alive. Time to act none the less... I can't even look at the tank without getting a pit in my stomach so "hoping for the best and feeding garlic infused fairy dust" ins't an option. A couple tanks back I had a 140G rimless that had a dormant strain of Velvet for about 6 months. Everyone was 100% healthy, until they weren't. I lost every fish other than my cleaner wrasse in three days as I watched them dissolve in front of my eyes. Gruesome stuff.
This was not my vision for 2016's scary Halloween house decor so it was time to do something. No way to get a large enough QT anywhere (I'm a ferry ride away from the nearest serious pet store) so I decided to break the tank down and turn the display into a hospital tank. I'd have to remove the rocks to catch all those fish anyway. I've read good things about the absorption of Chloroquine and only a little bit will get into the glass itself but after leaving my LR and corals fallow for 3 months it should be okay. Run lots of carbon etc.
The sand and corals came out... only (insert sarcasm here) took 3 hours prep work and 6 hours of hard and heart breaking labor, thanks to the help of my friend Dave who brought over a Mag12 pump and some buckets.
The two largest rocks had to stay in the tank unfortunately... no matter how hard I shook those Anthias would not leave their "hotel" rock. I even pulled the one by it's tail but it only doubled up and burrowed deeper into the rock. I'm hoping with weekly 60g water-changes to replenish the medication absorption won't mess with the efficacy of the CP too much.
We covered the front of the tank to keep UV out. Looks better than a bed-sheet or garbage bags :/
I'll keep it up for 7 weeks and in the DT and then re-introduce the rocks and sand in Feb / March 2107. Balls.
Moral of the story... quarantine e v e r y t h i n g.
After 12 months of careful quarantine and stocking to make sure I don't make a hash of something that could turn into an overwhelming problem, I dropped my guard for two darn snails and royally screwed up.
The cursed snails passed away before the tear down anyway.