Originally Posted by gmann
I already calibrate with solution, so I believe it is pretty accurate. as for the clean up crew, I will grab more along with a new test kit this week. Thanks for your feedback.
You're welcome.
Regarding the RO water, it does take a long time. The most convenient way to do it is to either tap into a line or hook it up to a laundry tub. Then have two containers - one for RO/DI and one for saltwater mixing/storage. For a tank your size, I'd recommend the RO tub be around 20 gallons, and the saltwater tub be about 60-80 gallons or more if you want to store a few waterchanges at a time. Then you tee off the output of your RO, at a float valve to each tub, and a ball valve going to each tub. Then you just open the ball valve of the tub you want to fill and let it run overnight or while you're at work and they will shut off auto-magically.

Works great.
You can buy faster membranes too - I use a 150 GPD membrane, so I can fill up a 60 gallon tub in about 10 hours. A 75 GPD membrane would take twice as long. I got the membrane from Bulk Reef Supply, and 6 years later I'm still getting 2-3 ppm TDS out of the membrane, so they are very good quality.