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Old 12-04-2004, 05:28 AM
Keen Keen is offline
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my foxface is doing just fine in my 33gal. and the weird thing about my tank is that my phosphates were never a problem. maybe it was the hair algea absorbing it before it could be measured, but my tank has never had a phos problem. when i went to big al's, they said to try all these other methods to get rid of the algea, just scrubbing the rock, and using a phos remover, but nothing worked, not even loading my tank with snails. then they said to try a foxface as a test. within 3-4 days, there was not a speck of hair algea in the tank, and hasnt been since. he has lived in my 33gal for almost 6 months now, and has not had a problem with such a small tank. I would definatly suggest trying a foxface, just make sure you get a small one so that it has a chance to grow into your tank. if you dont want to try that, the other creature i would suggest is a sea hare. they are lawnmowers when it comes to hair algea, but once it is gone, they dont last very long, so use as a last resort or borrow one from someone that has one for a week.
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