Crappy update ...
Bought some Lyretail Anthias and a Coral Beauty.
Put them through 4 weeks of observational QT and missed Brook

Put them in the DT and started losing the lyretails. Then the main fish started getting sick. Then we lost our fave fish Bennie the starry blennie.
Put all the remaining fish in the 36g bow and ran a round of Furan-2.
Then started Chloroquine Phosphate @ 80mg/g.
Lost both fairy wrasses.
Fish not eating.
A week later dropped the CP down to 40mg/g.
Fish eating again.
Lost the largest lyretail - again Brook - 1 left.
So, from 14 fish, we're down to 5.
Going to run the CP for a full 6 weeks, then flush it out and run them through whatever is needed next while the DT sits fallow 'till New Years (12 weeks).
I'll try to get the enthusiasm to post some coral pics some time soon ...
Built a
feeder tube for the shrimps in the DT so I don't have to pollute it too much as I was getting some algae issues.