Hello, this is silvermaster08's wife here, with his full (if not grudging) permission. Like many an aquatic households, the following conversation has taken place with a degree of regularity:
SM08: Can I get another fish tank?
Wife: Didn't you get upgrade last year?
SM08: Yeah, but the tank is too small to grow <<
insert coral of choice here>>.
....Cue a few weeks of bargaining...
Wife: Ok, but is this going to be the last time you upgrade the system?
SM08: Yes! Promise!
And of course the same conversation happens again in short order. As a result, our garage is getting a little cramped, and we're selling the following:
75 gallon tank with stand, canopy and sump, $350
The tank measures 18"x48"x20", and the stand+canopy bring it to 18.5"x49"x63". It is fully plumbed, has a 30 gallon sump, and has a spare shallower canopy. The canopy doesn't quite fit properly due to trim on the tank, so it always sits just a little wobbly.
50 gallon tank with stand and canopy, $150
The tank measures 18"x17"x30", and the stand brings it to approximately 21"x35"x50"
I'm willing to offer $50 off each setup if it's gone by tomorrow evening (Sunday the 30th).
We unfortunately cannot do delivery, and can't provide much (if any) help on the heavy lifting. One of us is available most days of the week, and we're in the Southgate/Century Park area.