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Old 10-26-2016, 08:31 PM
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Bblinks Bblinks is offline
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Bblinks is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Dearth View Post
So my current system has been up and running for close to 3 years and my rock is quite encrusted with all sorts of material from algae to coral to everything in between and I figure I have maybe 2 more good years out of the rock currently in my tank before the holes get covered by coral, detritus and algae. I have blown the rock I can reach with a turkey Baster but as I have a deep tank and way too much rock I cannot reach about half my rock without destroying the current habitat I have which I don't want to do at this time

My question is how do those of you with mature reef systems prolong the life of your rock?
I just blow it out with a turkey baster to the best of my abilities and keep the water quality up so it will not foul up the LR. I am currently servicing a tank that's close to 5 years old, when I first started the tank had crazy nutrient levels, I did just that to bring everything to normal range and now the LR is getting covered with coraline algae again and water parameter is good, IMO, I don't think the LR ever goes "bad".
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