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Old 10-23-2016, 06:13 PM
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Ryan7 Ryan7 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Ladner, BC
Posts: 157
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I'm ditching my MH's and leds and going back to T5's, save for a couple 100w led cannons I will use for supplemental blue.

I have a 6'x3' footprint to cover and can't justify the expense of aquarium sold T5 fixtures... the mark up is unreasonable.. and I would need several.. also it doesn't make sense to pay for features I don't need.

-tank is in-wall (so it doesn't need to look pretty)
-don't need separate switches, already have supplemental blue lighting

My plan was to modify grow light types with a splash guards and fans...

Besides the company I linked in first post, does anybody have any other recommendations for well-priced T5 grow lights? I thinking reflectors and price is the main factors I'm looking at..
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