Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-17-2010, 02:33 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,269
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-16-2010, 10:43 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,269
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-16-2010, 08:19 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,269
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-16-2010, 05:48 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,269
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-15-2010, 11:59 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,269
FS: 180 gallon setup
Ok i was diagnosed with cancer a month ago and had my first chemo session on friday the 13,2010.
I realized over the weekend i'm going to be to sick to continue cultivating this amazing hobby.
Forum: Reef
02-06-2010, 01:52 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 1,751
Everyones water, tank, live rock, salt, sand,...
Everyones water, tank, live rock, salt, sand, skimmer, lights, pumps, heaters, powerheads are all different the rock you bought is not even close to the rock the other guy might buy, tanks cycle...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-03-2010, 05:57 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,018
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-03-2010, 12:12 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,018
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-02-2010, 02:27 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,018
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-02-2010, 05:13 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,018
Fs: Vertex 100 skimmer
I have for sale a vertex 100 skimmer, works really well but i think i need a bigger skimmer to be able to handle my 180 gallons bio load.
Open to offers.
Really great shape.
Thanks Josh...
Forum: Blue World Aquatic
02-02-2010, 05:03 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,032
Forum: Reef
02-01-2010, 05:29 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,454
Ok so everyone is clear..... The anenome came...
Ok so everyone is clear..... The anenome came unawares to me on a piece of live rock found out the next day, it survived my ammonia spikes and still looks good, I would not like to do anything wrong,...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only)
02-01-2010, 04:23 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,324
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only)
01-31-2010, 06:19 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,324
Forum: Marine Fish
01-31-2010, 01:22 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,363
Well i caught him last night and I was talking...
Well i caught him last night and I was talking with ken at blue world yesterday and he said if they don't have red eyes they should be ok, so i found him late last night and scooped him outta the...
Forum: Reef
01-30-2010, 10:20 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,454
Forum: Reef
01-30-2010, 09:45 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,454
How long is to long
Hey guys i just wanted everyones opinion on how i should run my lighting setup as in how long the lights should be on and such.
I have a 72" coralife fixture, 3-250 wattMH, and 4 36 power...
Forum: Reef
01-30-2010, 07:38 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,224
Forum: Reef
01-30-2010, 07:35 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,077
you can get some construction adhesive and 2...
you can get some construction adhesive and 2 hooks and glue it to the concrete, that stuff is amazing and will hold a hell of alot of weight, and then you won't have to drill into the concrete.
Forum: Marine Fish
01-29-2010, 06:55 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,363
Forum: Marine Fish
01-29-2010, 05:04 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,363
Can you help to identify?
Ok so i bought some live rock awhile back and set up my tank, and so on, i found this little crab like the size of a pencil eraser and it was beige with bright orange stripes.
I put him in the...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only)
01-29-2010, 02:59 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 1,690
Forum: Calgary
01-28-2010, 09:43 PM
Replies: 56
Views: 6,470
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
01-28-2010, 12:01 AM
Replies: 1
Views: 728
Forum: Pump Specific
01-27-2010, 11:39 PM
Replies: 21
Views: 12,296