Forum: Reef
08-31-2010, 06:56 PM
Replies: 30
Views: 4,368
About the throw in the towl
Hey Everyone, just gonna get right into my problem, i have a insane cyno bacteria problem and ive tried everything, i do a 25% water change every week with good R/O water from LFS, ive added another...
Forum: Lounge
03-25-2010, 03:18 AM
Replies: 19
Views: 2,480
ahh bikes, don't buy one.. its a disease, it...
ahh bikes, don't buy one.. its a disease, it never stops at one.. i now own 4 of the damn things. as Far a road bikes go, i am a big fan of my specialized tarmac. I think you can get a 09 brand new...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only)
03-23-2010, 04:53 AM
Replies: 1
Views: 788
LF golden dwarf eel
does anyone know of any golden dwarf eels that might be for sale anywhere? i know theyre hard to come by, but thought id start here
Forum: Reef
03-23-2010, 04:50 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 1,127
Forum: Lounge
03-09-2010, 10:58 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,213
i ordered it when it first came on Shaw on...
i ordered it when it first came on Shaw on demand, Amazing, i always heard things here and there about what was going on there but i had no idea it was to that extent. I had to get all my friends to...
Forum: Lounge
03-06-2010, 06:41 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,340
Forum: Filtration and Skimmer Specific
03-05-2010, 01:33 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 4,109
my buddy is running a eshopps skimmer on his...
my buddy is running a eshopps skimmer on his tank, not sure what model though, he says its way to loud and pulls more water then foam, maybe that's just his ,im not sure, im running a reef octopus...
Forum: Lounge
02-27-2010, 12:21 AM
Replies: 172
Views: 14,064
been a pc guy forever, and have probably gone...
been a pc guy forever, and have probably gone through 5-6 labtops in 10 years.. damn motherboards.
anyways the girlfriend is in Australia for a few months and left me her mac book...because my...
Forum: Lounge
02-27-2010, 12:15 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,153
Forum: Reef
02-24-2010, 01:33 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 1,094
thanks for the quick replys, im feeding mine...
thanks for the quick replys, im feeding mine brine and mysis shrimp, ill be picking up silvertides on the weekend, from what i have been reading they like them alot,
hey Ruglu, what are these NP...
Forum: Reef
02-23-2010, 11:15 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 1,094
lighting good enough for a nem?
hey everyone, Ive had a GBTA in my tank for about a week now, its in a 33 Gal, and for lighting i have 4X39 W T5 HO. the tank depth is 17". now the nem hasn't moved from the rock i placed him on.He...
Forum: Marine Fish
02-22-2010, 05:55 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 869
Forum: Marine Fish
02-21-2010, 07:25 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 869
just a couple questions
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, just have a few questions. ove the weekend i have bought 2 mated clarki clowns and a red bubletip nem, which they have hosted very well. my tank is a 33 gal,...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
02-08-2010, 02:42 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 616
Lf Reef octopus bh1000
hey everyone im looking for a reef octopus bh1000 HOB skimmer, but dont really wanna pay 40 bucks to have it shipped up from the states, does anyone know of any Canadian suppliers or stores that sell...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
01-12-2010, 10:43 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 2,116
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
01-10-2010, 09:29 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 2,116
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
01-10-2010, 09:27 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 2,116
LF. Skimmer!!!!
Hey everyone, in the market for a skimmer for my 33 Gal.Ive been looking at Remora C pro, the Tunze 9002 and the reef octo bh1000. with reading reviews on all three i think i have decided against the...
Forum: Reef
01-05-2010, 11:48 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 1,172
now what?
Hey everyone my tank i believe is now cycled, haven't had any traces of ammonia or nitrates, and next to nothing for nitrites for a couple weeks now, but i think ill let it sit another two weeks just...
Forum: Reef
12-10-2009, 12:07 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,426
feather dusters
i have a rock with mabye 6 or so very small feather dusters in it, my tank is currently cycling. but im just wondering should i be feeding these guys trying to keep them alive or will they most...
Forum: Reef
12-06-2009, 09:26 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,132
Happy Sunday everyone, Ive noticed some bubble algae on a piece of live rock that i have in my tank, its currently in cycle..maybe 2 weeks in actually. should i pull this rock out and get rid of this...
Forum: Marine Fish
12-04-2009, 10:00 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 733
Hey everyone
just a few questions on a dogface puffer for those who know about them. how big do they get on average? and how long do they take to get to this size, probably wouldnt want to start one on anything...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
11-29-2009, 10:02 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,311
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only)
11-28-2009, 03:36 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,078
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only)
11-28-2009, 03:32 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 1,572
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only)
11-24-2009, 04:05 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 781
Wheres the LR at???????
Hey Everyone, building a marine tank and need around 45-50 lbs of good live rock.Anyone tearing anything down??
I'm in Lethbridge