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Search: Posts Made By: Seek828
Forum: Lower Mainland 04-03-2009, 02:52 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 3,376
Posted By Seek828
Nice. Thanks all! I'll go check it out!

Thanks all!
I'll go check it out!
Forum: Lower Mainland 04-02-2009, 12:00 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 3,376
Posted By Seek828
Sounds good. I'll drive down there and check it...

Sounds good.
I'll drive down there and check it out as soon as possible.
You mention they have great corals, how about fish?
Because I only keep fishes
Forum: Lower Mainland 04-02-2009, 07:39 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 3,376
Posted By Seek828
Right, I guess heat pack would help a lot! ...

Right, I guess heat pack would help a lot!
Where is Oceanic Corals?
I have heard of the name but don't know where they are.
I think their website crashed earlier today and I can't find their...
Forum: Lower Mainland 04-02-2009, 07:35 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 3,376
Posted By Seek828
I see. Aquatic Addictions is at Abbotsford...

I see.
Aquatic Addictions is at Abbotsford right, is it?
Thanks for the suggestion!
Forum: Lower Mainland 04-01-2009, 10:33 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 3,376
Posted By Seek828
Looking for suggestion on a fish store

Hi all,

I live in Richmond BC and am thinking there aren't a whole lot of different places around that I can go to for fish.
I don't keep coral as of now and am just looking for a truthworthy...
Forum: FOWLR 03-29-2009, 10:01 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 4,960
Posted By Seek828
good to hear! thanks! my LFS ran out on all...

good to hear!
my LFS ran out on all macroalgae though.
probably need to wait for a while
Forum: FOWLR 03-29-2009, 07:28 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 5,501
Posted By Seek828
I'm no expert as well but for my current tank...

I'm no expert as well
but for my current tank and my previous tanks I have always run just skimmer and liverocks
I think it works pretty well
I sometime consider an extra hang-on or canister...
Forum: FOWLR 03-27-2009, 10:01 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 3,181
Posted By Seek828
Okay thanks! I think I will really give this a...

Okay thanks!
I think I will really give this a try. Since I'm likely getting a Tang as my next fish.
Forum: FOWLR 03-27-2009, 07:19 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 3,181
Posted By Seek828
I see. Just to make sure here. So you mean...

I see.
Just to make sure here. So you mean when I get a new fish I can really just. more or less, dump it right into a QT with a SG of around 1.010-1.013, which is pretty much hyposlainity? But...
Forum: FOWLR 03-27-2009, 11:24 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 3,181
Posted By Seek828
Is there such thing as a SG Shock?

Hey all,

I just got a new book call "The Marine Fish Health & Feeding Handbook" by Goemans & Ichinotsubo.

Its a pretty good book so far with lots of great insight.

There is one point,...
Forum: Marine Fish 03-27-2009, 05:22 AM
Replies: 28
Views: 3,459
Posted By Seek828
You are most welcome! Hope the Mandarins...

You are most welcome!
Hope the Mandarins continue to do well! Best of luck to you
Forum: Marine Fish 03-27-2009, 05:18 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 4,084
Posted By Seek828
Ya I was thinking along the same line I think...

Ya I was thinking along the same line
I think QT at home also let the fish slowly adept to tank life and build up its strength before seeing other tankmate
Forum: Marine Fish 03-26-2009, 06:42 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 4,084
Posted By Seek828
Got it! I'll talk to the manager tomorrow and...

Got it!
I'll talk to the manager tomorrow and see how it goes!
Forum: Marine Fish 03-26-2009, 03:54 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 4,084
Posted By Seek828
wow great comment! Thanks! ya I went back to...

wow great comment! Thanks!
ya I went back to the LFS today and the two PBTs I saw yesterday were already sold :sad:
However, the Regal is still there and I will talk to the manager tomorrow asking...
Forum: Marine Fish 03-25-2009, 10:28 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 4,084
Posted By Seek828
And also to everybody else, thanks so much for...

And also to everybody else, thanks so much for all the comments!

Seems like it is indeed possible to keep them together.

I noticed a lot of you ask your LFS to hold the fish for you. That...
Forum: Marine Fish 03-25-2009, 10:24 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 4,084
Posted By Seek828
Yes I know of the diffculty level of both fish...

Yes I know of the diffculty level of both fish and also their sizes. I have kept Regal before with some success in the long past but never tried PBT.
I do know that eventually they will outgrow my...
Forum: Marine Fish 03-25-2009, 09:44 AM
Replies: 28
Views: 3,459
Posted By Seek828
Hey congratuation to you!! good job~! I have...

Hey congratuation to you!!
good job~!
I have always wanted to keep those fish but never dared.
Not to mention having them breed.

Very nice!
Forum: Marine Fish 03-25-2009, 09:37 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 4,084
Posted By Seek828
TOTALLY BAD IDEA? - Mixing Regal Tang and Powder Blue Tang

Hi all,

Just came back from my LFS today and found that they have gotten some Powder Blue Tangs. They rarely get them.
They are slightly less than 3 inches long.

I was just getting ready to...
Forum: FOWLR 03-25-2009, 05:05 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 4,960
Posted By Seek828
Thanks for the info and heads up for the caulerpa...

Thanks for the info and heads up for the caulerpa
It is one of the species that I'm interested in.

Since we are talking about macroalgae here, I'll try asking one more question.
I don't know a...
Forum: FOWLR 03-24-2009, 08:37 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 13,533
Posted By Seek828
Along the line of controlling Aiptasia with...

Along the line of controlling Aiptasia with peppermint shrimp, which I don't want to risk keeping with a Trigger, have you guys or anyone have experience with the Copperbanded Butterfly?

Forum: FOWLR 03-24-2009, 08:28 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 13,533
Posted By Seek828
Damn, sorry about your toadstool. My Aptasia...

Damn, sorry about your toadstool.
My Aptasia came from two pieces of live rocks that I purchased when I was restarting this 90G tank after a 2 years break.
I used to have around 90lb of live rock...
Forum: FOWLR 03-24-2009, 08:23 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 13,533
Posted By Seek828
Ya thanks for your help. I heard about the...

Ya thanks for your help.
I heard about the shrimp too but I can't really keep one with a Trigger, can I?
Forum: FOWLR 03-24-2009, 08:22 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 13,533
Posted By Seek828
Well I'm at least glad to hear that it shouldn't...

Well I'm at least glad to hear that it shouldn't be bothering my fish that much.
But this new big one that I just found is just too big its scary.

I gotta get rid of it, even if it mean getting...
Forum: FOWLR 03-24-2009, 08:14 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 4,960
Posted By Seek828
alright, thanks guys! I think I'll put them in...

alright, thanks guys!
I think I'll put them in QT for a while just in case then
Forum: FOWLR 03-24-2009, 09:27 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 3,753
Posted By Seek828
OUCH! sounds really painful! I don't think I...

OUCH! sounds really painful!
I don't think I have had that experience before, but it almost always make my hand/arm itchy after putting it in the water. I try my best to put on my long sleeve glove...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 27

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