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Search: Posts Made By: CherylMcKay
Forum: Tank Journal 03-22-2014, 04:37 PM
Replies: 47
Views: 10,219
Posted By CherylMcKay
Hair hair everywhere

So It has been just shy of a year since I posted on this tank. Amazing how easy it is to let life get in the way of your hobbies and relaxation. Unfortunately my tank has suffered for it. I have...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only) 10-19-2013, 09:11 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 1,242
Posted By CherylMcKay
WTB Berghia nudibranch in Edmonton, Calgary or Vancouver

I need at least 6 for my 150 gallon. I will pay for packing materials but there will be no cost for shipping to the seller as I can arrange for the box to be picked up and delivered to the airport...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only) 10-19-2013, 09:04 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 1,342
Posted By CherylMcKay
Jl doesn't have any, just phoned.

Jl doesn't have any, just phoned.
Forum: Lounge 06-26-2013, 11:22 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 966
Posted By CherylMcKay
Pass around for those in need in Calgary area

Posting on Facebook for Free Supervised Child Care for Evacuated Families.
Forum: Reef 05-14-2013, 01:22 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,357
Posted By CherylMcKay
Tank cleaned by seller with pledge.

I purchased at tank and when it arrived, money changed hands I found out that he cleaned it with "Pledge Multi Surface Everyday Cleaner 99% Natural". How can I clean this out so that it won't affect...
Forum: Tank Journal 04-07-2013, 08:02 PM
Replies: 47
Views: 10,219
Posted By CherylMcKay
So, the tank has been salty for a week, I am...

So, the tank has been salty for a week, I am trying to be patience. I had a bacteria bloom the first few days as the rock was just dried out not washed or anything. Now I am at the golden brown algae...
Forum: Marine Fish 04-01-2013, 11:06 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,132
Posted By CherylMcKay
The male will have fertilized the eggs, while the...

The male will have fertilized the eggs, while the female was laying them. The eggs start orange and will start getting more silver up to day ~8-10 and then they will hatch at night. She will try to...
Forum: Canreef Nano Contest 2012 04-01-2013, 09:50 PM
Replies: 22
Views: 24,332
Posted By CherylMcKay
Congratulations Grizz, I really like your tank.

Congratulations Grizz, I really like your tank.
Forum: Canreef Nano Contest 2012 04-01-2013, 07:05 PM
Replies: 55
Views: 39,207
Posted By CherylMcKay
Waiting for the results.... The suspense is...

Waiting for the results.... The suspense is killing me.
Forum: Tank Journal 03-31-2013, 06:57 PM
Replies: 47
Views: 10,219
Posted By CherylMcKay
Big Changes

This long weekend has been great for getting things done on the tank. I had installed the overflow a couple of weekends ago and this weekend, I finsished the plumbing, the rock covers for the...
Forum: Canreef Nano Contest 2012 03-16-2013, 03:43 AM
Replies: 142
Views: 65,829
Posted By CherylMcKay
I can't imaging the colours being brighter and...

I can't imaging the colours being brighter and deeper as it is truly stunning to look at in you pics. Awesome, awesome corals!!
Forum: Canreef Nano Contest 2012 03-16-2013, 03:36 AM
Replies: 29
Views: 26,588
Posted By CherylMcKay
The sump is in the stand below. The return pipe...

The sump is in the stand below. The return pipe is at the back
Forum: Canreef Nano Contest 2012 03-15-2013, 08:46 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 26,588
Posted By CherylMcKay
Final Entry

I would like to start by saying I had lots of fun doing this. I realize that I either need to get much more verbose or start getting a little more high tech with my builds.

All contestants have...
Forum: Tank Journal 03-04-2013, 02:36 AM
Replies: 47
Views: 10,219
Posted By CherylMcKay
Take 2

So I have finally had a bit of time to do some work on the 150 gallon tank. I purchased the glass for the overflow and decided I was going to use 1/4 inch glass. I am quite happy with the strength of...
Forum: Canreef Nano Contest 2012 02-16-2013, 07:30 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 26,588
Posted By CherylMcKay
Feb 15th Update

So, update time. I haven't seen the green clown goby since I have been back from holidays so I think he is gone.... Lost some snails as well. The tank was overfeed and full of algae, which I...
Forum: Tank Journal 02-12-2013, 01:16 AM
Replies: 47
Views: 10,219
Posted By CherylMcKay
Wish I could say that is mine but it isn't. It is...

Wish I could say that is mine but it isn't. It is Madmak's. he was kind enough to post his pictures to show me.

I strive to have mine look as good. :-)
Forum: Tank Journal 02-11-2013, 04:27 AM
Replies: 47
Views: 10,219
Posted By CherylMcKay
How far should the water fall? My internal...

How far should the water fall? My internal measurements for depth of the tank, is 21". I was thinking the over flow would be 12" deep with 1-11/2 " for the egg crate. The fall to the bulk head will...
Forum: Tank Journal 02-07-2013, 05:18 AM
Replies: 47
Views: 10,219
Posted By CherylMcKay
My problem with that is that the two hole drilled...

My problem with that is that the two hole drilled in my tank are in the centre of the tank and are 3 feet apart. If I go with a overflow around the current pipes, then I will have to build 2 one...
Forum: Tank Journal 02-06-2013, 05:52 AM
Replies: 47
Views: 10,219
Posted By CherylMcKay
Cheryl's 165 Gallon upgrade

So, I made a change to the plumbing on this tank and I noticed that the bulkhead on the tank was wet on the threads. I don't want to take the chance of the bulkhead failing so I am moving the fish,...
Forum: Marine Fish 01-24-2013, 07:31 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 2,404
Posted By CherylMcKay
Good to know. I will keep an eye on it. The...

Good to know. I will keep an eye on it. The description I read said they were Semi-aggressive, so I wasn't sure if it was too much for my tank.

I don't have another good picture in my camera, but...
Forum: Marine Fish 01-22-2013, 04:31 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 2,404
Posted By CherylMcKay
The other tangs mentioned , striated or kole ,...

The other tangs mentioned , striated or kole , are way different in colouring when I looked them up.

I will see if I have another picture in my camera that is better. If not I will be home in a...
Forum: Marine Fish 01-22-2013, 05:24 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 2,404
Posted By CherylMcKay
Well, I wonder then if I should try and find a...

Well, I wonder then if I should try and find a home for it. So far my Sailfin has been dominant. Having 2 in a 150 gallon may not be the best use of my space and my sailfin is much prettier....
Forum: Marine Fish 01-21-2013, 06:02 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 2,404
Posted By CherylMcKay
I had found lots of pictures that kind of matched...

I had found lots of pictures that kind of matched but I couldn't resolve the names. Some were labeled an a brown tang, some as two tone. Scopes helps.... It could be but I have also found some...
Forum: Canreef Nano Contest 2012 01-21-2013, 05:17 PM
Replies: 167
Views: 66,201
Posted By CherylMcKay
Very lovely. Can't wait to see it as it fills in....

Very lovely. Can't wait to see it as it fills in. How fast will those corals grow?
Forum: Marine Fish 01-21-2013, 05:15 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 2,404
Posted By CherylMcKay
ID please

I know it is a tang of some kind but, I can't narrow down the kind. If someone cans let me know or point me in the direction of a good repository of fish ID data.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 131

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