Forum: Seahorse
03-16-2013, 03:18 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 17,897
Forum: Seahorse
03-13-2013, 01:36 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 17,897
Forum: Lounge
01-31-2010, 03:38 PM
Replies: 36
Views: 4,363
Alas, I am very prone to migraine, especially...
Alas, I am very prone to migraine, especially from visuals. I walked out of District 9 20 minutes after it started with a splitting headache, seeing spots, and feeling like I was going to throw up. ...
Forum: Marine Fish
01-31-2010, 03:29 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 2,445
Forum: Lounge
01-31-2010, 03:10 AM
Replies: 36
Views: 4,363
Forum: Calgary
06-01-2009, 03:22 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 1,915
Hi Sharon,
Once you get the breeding...
Hi Sharon,
Once you get the breeding business going, and if you want even more babies to raise, let me know. I'd love to be able to put my female Erectus back with the males if I knew I wouldn't...
Forum: Lounge
05-19-2009, 04:40 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 1,466
Forum: Lounge
05-19-2009, 05:01 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 1,466
Forum: Lounge
05-19-2009, 04:53 AM
Replies: 20
Views: 3,711
Forum: Lounge
05-19-2009, 04:49 AM
Replies: 276
Views: 194,055
Forum: Lounge
04-22-2009, 11:48 PM
Replies: 28
Views: 2,948
I use a toughbook, too, the CF-W7. Took awhile...
I use a toughbook, too, the CF-W7. Took awhile to get used to the smaller keyboard, but what a great laptop! I heard you can drive over it with a pickup truck - LOL (I don't plan to test that). ...
Forum: Lounge
04-05-2009, 07:34 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,434
Thanks for all the input!
I'm posting some...
Thanks for all the input!
I'm posting some pics - I just scrubbed my sink with an SOS, and these definitely won't come off.
I don't think I've ever taken pics of my sink before :P
Forum: Lounge
04-04-2009, 02:44 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,434
Does saltwater stain stainless steel sinks?
I did a search and couldn't find any reference to this question. I've noticed stains appearing on my stainless steel sink over the last year or so. I"ve had salt water tanks for 19 months. Is this...
Forum: Calgary
03-20-2009, 02:41 AM
Replies: 130
Views: 12,358
Forum: Calgary
03-19-2009, 02:11 AM
Replies: 130
Views: 12,358
Forum: Lounge
03-11-2009, 03:53 AM
Replies: 34
Views: 3,861
Forum: Lounge
02-26-2009, 03:28 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 4,729
Forum: Lounge
02-23-2009, 12:50 AM
Replies: 71
Views: 5,732
Forum: Lounge
02-22-2009, 06:54 PM
Replies: 71
Views: 5,732
Forum: Lounge
02-22-2009, 06:13 PM
Replies: 33
Views: 3,152
Forum: Lounge
02-22-2009, 03:57 PM
Replies: 71
Views: 5,732
Forum: Lounge
02-22-2009, 02:59 PM
Replies: 71
Views: 5,732
Forum: Lounge
02-22-2009, 05:12 AM
Replies: 71
Views: 5,732
My teenage son has been freaked out about this for quite awhile now. He's asked several times for permission to build a bunker ;) I think it's very widespread and hyped in the teen domain... I...
Forum: Lounge
02-21-2009, 03:20 AM
Replies: 33
Views: 2,943
Forum: Lounge
02-21-2009, 03:02 AM
Replies: 33
Views: 2,943