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Search: Posts Made By: Petcrazy
Forum: Lower Mainland 09-24-2006, 04:46 PM
Replies: 75
Views: 7,283
Posted By Petcrazy
....ARGH Figures I have to work today while...

Figures I have to work today while this is going on.

And Ivy is always organized...were you surprised she had a list ready ? :P
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only) 09-05-2006, 07:10 AM
Replies: 19
Views: 1,884
Posted By Petcrazy
Well tell us whats not sold... Dunno if he's...

Well tell us whats not sold...

Dunno if he's seeing pm's
Sent when he first posted ^^
But too late now, someone knabbed what I really wanted. :P
Oh well, to the stores for me.
Forum: Reef 09-03-2006, 01:36 AM
Replies: 27
Views: 3,508
Posted By Petcrazy
Um and if referring to would be ok...

Um and if referring to would be ok mom...but let's not get technical...nor should we get nasty...

Impulse buying is bad, but we've all been victim to it at some point.

My thought is at...
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only) 09-01-2006, 11:46 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 785
Posted By Petcrazy
hm My yellow tail blue damsel was always a...

My yellow tail blue damsel was always a complete sweet heart....he had his little region but he was never mean about it, the clown passed through his cave just fine...and one of my ex's yellow...
Forum: Pictures 08-23-2006, 01:03 PM
Replies: 19
Views: 1,812
Posted By Petcrazy
Very pretty, love it :) Must remember to look...

Very pretty, love it :)
Must remember to look up some wrasses and see what might work in my tank....almost forgot about those.
Forum: Reef 08-23-2006, 01:00 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,115
Posted By Petcrazy
Tom, hey! Wow, but your tanks looked fabulous...

Tom, hey!
Wow, but your tanks looked fabulous last time I saw them, I can't think of any ways you could have improved them.
Though sure thing, maybe next time Ivy, John and Callum go to visit I'll...
Forum: Reef 08-21-2006, 04:07 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,115
Posted By Petcrazy
I'll look into it, thanks a bunch. Still...

I'll look into it, thanks a bunch.
Still wondering what I'm going to put in there, any suggestions?
Forum: Reef 08-21-2006, 01:00 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,115
Posted By Petcrazy

Alright thanks for the info guys, as I thought you can't always believe what you read..hence why I asked.
Shame, they are gorgeous...
So I will let that one go and admire the species from afar.......
Forum: Reef 08-20-2006, 04:20 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,115
Posted By Petcrazy
Eibli Angel

Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone has had the experience of keeping this species of dwarf angel?
I saw a super healthy Eibli in one of the local shops recently as I was getting some snails and...
Forum: Lounge 08-01-2006, 12:49 AM
Replies: 33
Views: 3,283
Posted By Petcrazy

Petcrazy was what some friends called me since at one point I had about 6 fish tanks, a few birds/parrots and a bunch of reptiles (partial rescue thing going on). Probably about 50 pets or so at one...
Forum: Polls 07-24-2006, 09:47 PM
Replies: 35
Views: 4,262
Posted By Petcrazy
Red face My first saltwater tank (since I've had...

My first saltwater tank (since I've had freshwater since I was knee high to a grasshopper)...was a 10 gallon (FOWLR) with damsels that a friend ditched at my house which has been taken down since...
Forum: Lower Mainland 07-07-2006, 10:27 AM
Replies: 32
Views: 3,883
Posted By Petcrazy
Keep the dogs in... Everything was pretty...

Keep the dogs in...

Everything was pretty good last year, got me out of to meet some cool peeps, nibble at some good food (once my nerves settled) and see that I'm...not the only...
Forum: Reef 07-07-2006, 10:21 AM
Replies: 19
Views: 2,215
Posted By Petcrazy
Heck even once in two years would suck...

Heck even once in two years would suck major...well we know where I'm going with this.
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics livestock related only) 06-29-2006, 04:34 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 879
Posted By Petcrazy
As would size, pictures or a slight description...

As would size, pictures or a slight description other then species.
Forum: Pictures 06-29-2006, 04:09 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,003
Posted By Petcrazy
Nice zoos....hmmmm ....need to go shopping....

Nice zoos....hmmmm ....need to go shopping. Yes...yes I do.
Forum: Pictures 06-29-2006, 04:08 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,079
Posted By Petcrazy
Pervert, you had to take pictures didn't you.... ...

Pervert, you had to take pictures didn't you....
Forum: Lower Mainland 06-24-2006, 07:08 PM
Replies: 32
Views: 3,883
Posted By Petcrazy
Haha, hey Tom. Meh...well lets just say it has...

Haha, hey Tom.
Meh...well lets just say it has water in it and the plumbing is having fun. For livestock, nothing....I've wanted to wait to see life in the sand but apparently my seeding attempts...
Forum: Lower Mainland 06-15-2006, 12:49 AM
Replies: 32
Views: 3,883
Posted By Petcrazy
Hmmm -comes out of hiding-

Depends when and where...if it is at Jesse's I'm in since he's all of...5 minutes from my house :P and I need to see some old friends if they go as well to make sure they are still alive etc....
Forum: Reef 03-21-2006, 04:49 AM
Replies: 22
Views: 3,274
Posted By Petcrazy

The shelf idea so far seems the best idea to me, because even if you upgrade your tank later on, the shelf can still come in handy for other things and even modified to be a bit more attractive and...
Forum: Pictures 12-05-2005, 07:15 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,093
Posted By Petcrazy
I want purple zoos too, but I don't feel like...

I want purple zoos too, but I don't feel like driving to J&Ls LOL

I'll see if OA gets them in any time soon, after my schedule clears up.
That way I get to harass everyone while I'm there...
Forum: Pictures 12-05-2005, 01:46 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,093
Posted By Petcrazy
Very nice, I like them.

Very nice, I like them.
Forum: Reef 11-29-2005, 05:15 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 1,596
Posted By Petcrazy
6 Inches or less? ...... ..........joke...

6 Inches or less?
..........joke withheld....

But anyways, at least yours host things. But then again I refuse to get an anemone for my clown....the whole thing about it moving around,...
Forum: Reef 11-27-2005, 06:56 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,294
Posted By Petcrazy
Now that you mention it yeah A slimy white...

Now that you mention it yeah
A slimy white mucus to web near it...where the burrowing is happening...
Forum: Reef 11-26-2005, 08:51 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,294
Posted By Petcrazy
I didnt think I had any nudibranches... I guess...

I didnt think I had any nudibranches...
I guess I'll have to take another closer look -sighs-
Like I needed any more nasty predator types in there...
-hair pulling
Forum: Reef 11-26-2005, 08:34 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,294
Posted By Petcrazy
Digitata Issue

I've had this nice green digitata for awhile, it's been doing great.
It has grown from merely looking like a stick, into something with nice branches and many 'fingers' etc.
Though a few...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 173

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