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blacknife 07-19-2013 04:56 AM

Impending doom sale <multiple tanks>(Leduc)
Last time i was at blue world when closing the lovely mother of my children oked picking up one of kens tanks for an upgrade to my current tank, then after getting it home and into the basement she dumped my butt. she said i could keep the tank here as long as I want but at this point its easier to try to pass it on.

metal stand with light rail is included but is outside and its all ready dark out, stand has minor rust that should probably be repainted unless the tank is going to be in a garage or something.

I belive it is 7 long by 24 wide by 19 high. the sump fits inside the stand nice. Probably need 4 strong people to get this up the stairs, we got it down with 3 but it was scary.

passing it on for the same steal i got it for.. 300$ firm.

I also have a 65 gallon 36x18x24 tank un-drilled in the garage, minor scratches 40$ obo, I really just want it out of my garage

I also have glass I got for a tank back in December that i have been to busy to build

Originally wmcinnes tank 541/2 x24x i believe 19 high all 1/2 inch glass
He gave it to me for free, half assembled.. I bought glass to replace the bottom pain and disasembled it. looking to get the price of the glass back out of it 75$ firm

that is all for now hopefully i can somehow keep my 55 up and running until i have somewhere to stay..

SeaHorse_Fanatic 07-19-2013 05:30 AM

I feel for you man. My loving wife pulled the same stunt on me. She asked me for a 210g and I arranged a deal for a 180g, but the night I brought it home, she freaked on me and I had to sell it half an hour after I got it home.

Sucks but what can you do?


FishyFishy! 07-19-2013 02:07 PM

How wide is the external overflow?

gobytron 07-19-2013 04:39 PM

Must choose wives wisely...

SeaHorse_Fanatic 07-19-2013 05:51 PM

Sorry if I misunderstood:redface:. Even more sorry about your situation:redface:. Hope you can get things worked out. Good luck man.


neoh 07-21-2013 06:58 PM

I have the opposite problem, my wife keeps telling me to upgrade :|

Good luck with the sale!

blacknife 07-21-2013 08:56 PM

65 gone.
105 pending

Overflow on the big tank is about 5x12 with two 3/4 bulkheads. It would be very easy to pull that off and rebuild if you wanted something different.

blacknife 07-23-2013 05:45 AM

Bump 105 fell through for now.
7 foot still available.

blacknife 07-26-2013 12:31 PM


blacknife 08-01-2013 01:28 PM

Bump. Obo, I need these gone, starting to understand people that threaten to smash tanks if they don't sell.

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