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incoma 06-16-2004 12:42 AM

Odds in Ends
I have a 75 gallon tank it's Hagen brand and quite heavy forsale. Comes with a fairly new Aquaclear 300 and a Fluval 204. The shaft and impeller have just been replaced. I m lookin for offers prefer reosonable ones please.
I also have to find home to some Convict cichlids cheap or trade for guppies or plants.
A Hagen master test kit I have used maybe twice lots of reagents left $30obo
104 gallon hard plastic pond liner not been in the ground yet. $75obo

AJ_77 06-16-2004 02:17 AM

Re: Odds in Ends

Originally Posted by incoma
A Hagen master test kit I have used maybe twice lots of reagents left $30obo

Please describe (not familiar with)... :biggrin: What all does it test for?


muck 06-16-2004 03:20 PM

I believe hes talking about this kit.

- Master Test Kit
- All Hagen test kits including ammonia, pH, calcium, phosphate, iron, nitrite, nitrate, KH and GH included
- Full instructions for each test
- Color charts
- Solid, durable case holds everything and is an excellent working area as well

* Information taken from the Hagen Website. :smile:

incoma 06-24-2004 11:14 PM

yep thats it

Jaws 06-24-2004 11:31 PM

Test Kit
I've seen that test kit around but haven't looked at it closer yet. What's it like? Does it have everything you need for a large sps tank or is it meant for soemthing a little less involved? Please, only positive comments as I do not want to cramp this sale.

Richer 06-24-2004 11:44 PM

I have one. Its not the best, but its not too bad neither. I use it for general ballpark stuff (ie. monitoring a cycle in both salt and freshwater tanks, monitoring pH, KH and nitrate levels in my plant tank, etc). IMHO, it works quite well for these kinds of applications. However, if you want something sensitive, look for something else.


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