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marineman41 06-24-2013 02:14 AM

how long to leave a tank fallow
I have a 187 gallon aquarium.
It has been up and running for a little over 4 months.
About a month ago I came home from work and proceeded to head down and feed my fish.
When I got downstairs my water was all cloudy and when I lifted the canopy all the pellet food from my auto feeder was floating ontop of the water or in the water column.
I grabbed a filter sock at skimmed the top of the water with it and did a 20 gallon water change.
My fish were all at the top of the water breathing rapidly.
I transferred all the fish (5 in total) to my 33 gallon cycled QT tank and continued to do 20 gallon water changes every other day.
I purchased a UV sterilizer as well and that cleared the water up within 2 days.
While in QT all fish developed ich the next day from being transferred from the main tank.
I tried to get the fish to begin eating again before I medicated but it was too late. I lost my last fish 1 week ago today.
The water in my main tank is all bad to normal.

How long should I wait to add fish back into the main tank. I am sure ich is in the main tank and don't want to rush.
I have read, on reefcentral, to let the tank go fallow for a of 8 weeks.
I wanted to buy a 1 or 2 fish this week and put them into QT.
Its hard staring at an empty tank when I initially waited 2 months to add fish!

Guess I am just venting.

Let me know what you experts did if you have went through this before.

Thanks for looking!

i have crabs 06-24-2013 02:55 AM

Ya it sucks and ive been there but its better to wait it out and do what you can to keep the ich out while you have the chance

daplatapus 06-24-2013 03:18 AM

Yup, wait the 8 weeks min. If you want to get couple fish and QT them that long, have at it, but don't lose patience and put them in early.

marineman41 06-24-2013 03:41 AM

Thanks for the responses!

I know that's the right answer..... Just needed a kick in the ars!

Slick Fork 06-24-2013 04:03 AM

Just wanted to agree with the above 8 week minimum. If you have a quarantine system available, you could probably buy a few fish for your Q system in 2 or 3 weeks but don't rush putting them in the display.

Sorry about your loss.

marineman41 06-24-2013 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Slick Fork (Post 827767)
Just wanted to agree with the above 8 week minimum. If you have a quarantine system available, you could probably buy a few fish for your Q system in 2 or 3 weeks but don't rush putting them in the display.

Sorry about your loss.

Appreciate it.

Thanks for the help

Leah 06-24-2013 01:19 PM

Your QT tank probably has ick unless you used medication.

marineman41 06-24-2013 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 827805)
Your QT tank probably has ick unless you used medication.

I am assuming that it does.

I have drained and dried the tank.

Making up some new water for it and starting over.

madchild 06-24-2013 04:15 PM

Everyone has their own opinion on how long to let a tank go fallow. Personally, I went 10 weeks fallow.

LoJack 06-24-2013 04:25 PM

I went 8 weeks and was good on re-introduction. A lot of people recommend 10 just to be safe, I mean you already waited 6 right ... whats two more to make sure.

I had one fish in my tank though, a longnose hawkfish that I just couldn't catch, and disassembly wasn't an option. He never showed even the slightest sign, and must have been immune ... because when I started adding fish 8 weeks later everything was good.

This was about 8 months ago ... the tank is restocked and doing well.

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