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reefgirl189 06-16-2013 05:01 PM

LAKELAND or Saskatoon remaining livestock
I can deliver this to Saskatoon on June 26th, or anywhere between Bonnyville and Saskatoon on that day.

150 lbs live rock, gorgeous coraline covered, quality rock. $3/lb
40 lbs dry rock $2/lb


Candy Cane coral 50+ heads $50
Neon Green Candy Cane 40+ heads $50
Huge finger leather 8"X8"ish $30
Huge GSP colony on awesome rock great for making caves with $30

I suck at names but I will put pictures of what I don't know the names of:

Birds of paradise 5"X4" huge frag $30
Lots of others I can't remember the name of, some very cool, beautiful pieces... pics to follow.
Lots of Acropora (green, yellow, blue, purple)
Or take all of the SPS for $250 (There's lots, it's a great buy!)

Or take everything above for $500!

toxic111 06-16-2013 05:41 PM

Post the pictures up. May be interested.

Christopher 06-16-2013 10:08 PM


Myka 06-16-2013 11:01 PM

I'm waiting to see SPS pics. I might be interested in the whole SPS package. :)

toxic111 06-17-2013 12:01 AM

That was my thought too Myka... once I see pics that is.. lol

ensquire 06-17-2013 12:02 AM

If your interested in shipping from Edmonton I would take all the dry rock, 20lbs of live rock and the gsp rock and candy canes.....

reefgirl189 06-17-2013 12:03 AM

Here's the SPS pics, there's also more than what is pictures here, but nothing fantastic or large or worth mentioning.

There are 3 frags of the birds of paradise, one 6" diameter, one 4" diameter, on 2" diameter.
I took this picture from the vendor I got it from:

For some reason all my pics look like the SPS is bleached but they aren't. Not sure why my photography skills are so bad so I'll blame it on the camera.

toxic111 06-17-2013 01:39 AM

Thanks for the pics.. not quite what I am looking for..

reefgirl189 06-17-2013 05:13 PM

All rock pending.

reefgirl189 06-17-2013 05:43 PM

Now back up for sale:
Snow Onyx clownfish $100
Black clownfish with orange face and fins $20

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