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Dez 06-13-2004 03:17 PM

allergies to your tank?
Just wondering if anybody has ever had allergies to their tanks? The reason I ask is because I've had some strange occurances.

A few months ago after doing a water change, I started getting this really wierd sour taste around my mouth... Then I got flu like symptoms (cold sweat, really hot, whole body aching, could hardly move etc)...I was up about eight times that night and even a hot bath didn't warm me up. The next day I was normal. I didn't think anything of it.

Then I did a water change a few weeks later and the exact same thing happened. It all started with the sour like tast around my lips. I didn't suck any water into my mouth, just simply started the syphon.

This happened once more and believe me, it is not a comfortable feeling, I'm out of commission for the entire night, but it only lasts for a day.

2 days ago I was working around salt water for the entire day. I made a point not to start syphons with my mouth, but to fill the tube with water to start the syphon. I still got flu like symptoms that night, but not as bad.

Anybody know what this is or have similar experiences?


bluetang 06-13-2004 03:34 PM

I always seem to get a itchy runny nose durring or after ever water change. Must be an alergy to the salt. not nearly as bad as you have described.

Beverly 06-13-2004 03:39 PM

Re: allergies to your tank?

You've been working around SW for years, right? Never had a problem until a couple of months ago? I'm wondering if there was a change in one or more of your tanks that might be producing the flu-like symptoms. Did you add anything to any tanks that might be emitting toxins? Have you worked in other people's tanks and gotten the same reaction?

There have been times when reaquascaping a tank that I'll get a rash on my forearm that'll last for up to a week. I attribute that to handling various corals and not wiping my hands between touching each coral and/or to brief brushes with bristleworms or other critters I don't see.

DOO-E 06-13-2004 05:15 PM

Do you have Zoo's in your tank. Your hand may be touching the zoo's or the tube may be touching the zoo's then it touches your mounth or your hands. Then your hands touch your mouth. Some zoos are piosonous so you have to be extremly carful. O and if you want to get rid of the tank because of this i got first dibs on the soft ,Lps and fish.

sbrown 06-13-2004 07:38 PM

I have severe reactions to blood worms when feeding freshwater fish just from touching it or smelling it. If a tank has been fed blood worms I also get a reaction from the water but it is much more mild. Perhaps it is something you are adding to your tank that is causing it maybe a protien in the food or chemical.

Dez 06-13-2004 09:24 PM

It isn't just my own tank. I was doing a water change on my tank at my church a couple of days ago and this happened. One time it was helping a friend do a water change. I hardly have my hands in my own tank, I usually just let it be. But I get no reaction with just my hands in a tank... I don't know. Maybe I'll just hire people when I want to do water changes...


Quagmire 06-13-2004 09:35 PM

Its strange you get this kind of reaction, a rash would make sense but this sounds like you may be inhaling someting.Maybe try a mask and gloves and hope the neighbors don't see you.

Beverly 06-13-2004 10:18 PM


For our tanks, I don't use a siphon. I use a rubbermaid food storage container suited to the size of the tank to scoop out the water into the discard pail. Way faster than a siphon, ime.

When we had our 180g years ago, I used to use a small sump pump hooked up to a hose to remove water for water changes. Just gotta be careful to watch the discard pail so it doesn't overflow. That little pump really removed the water fast :eek:

hockey nut 06-14-2004 06:44 AM

Big Als sells the Python. It is a syphon that just attaches to your sink, turn on the water , it starts a vacume and sucks out your water from the tank. Works great. Maybe your allergic to your synthetic salt. Hope it doesn't continue. :neutral:

bulletsworld 06-14-2004 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Quagmire
Maybe try a mask and gloves and hope the neighbors don't see you.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah I get a itchy red bump on my arms everytime if I stick my hands in the tank. I use thick full arm gloves now. But sticking my lips on the syphon...I will think twice now. :eek:

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