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neven 06-03-2013 02:29 AM

What to get next?
well a while back to battle nitrates, i barely fed my tank and that in combination with having a lyretail anthias pretty much starved all my fish except the six line wrasse and tail spot blenny (foraged their food).

So i restocked a couple fishies last week, and im noticing the diadem dottyback is being really aggressive to the six line and i expected it to be the opposite way around. Not stressing the wrasse out enough to be a concern yet, since he buddies up with the tailspot, but still makes me wonder what would be the best new additions down the road.

My system is a 33G Display with a 33G sump, mostly a softie reef

Currently stocked with:
six line wrasse
tail spot blenny
diadem dotty back

my wife wants pretty colourful fish mostly in the tank, but i worry about conspecifics with my stock (or should i worry?). Unfortunately it'll likely need to be aggressive enough to hold up to the dotty back.

I'll be waiting atleast a few weeks before new stock, currently still sitting at 0 nitrates and near 0 phosphates. Corals are all doing great, and water change 10G / week.

Proteus 06-03-2013 02:37 AM

I'd say none if your going to starve them to get rid of algae

HaZRaTTy 06-03-2013 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 822750)
I'd say none if your going to starve them to get rid of algae

Yeah I agree with Nick definitely better ways to rid algae then starving the fish to reduce nitrates.

Fish suggestion maybe a Royal Gramma? Please don't starve your fish though they're are plenty of other ways to slowly bring your nitrates down, and on this topic you run a very high risk for fish death if you drop your nitrates to nothing over night bridge that with starving malnourished fish you're asking for trouble!

mrhasan 06-03-2013 03:03 AM

The dottyback won't let any more fish in. They are total mean machine (sorry for being biased; I freaking hate that fish!).

And please don't starve fishes to cut down on the nutrient. They need food ;)

neven 06-03-2013 03:17 AM

I completely understand that you need to tackle the problem before attempting to erradicate algae. Its been tackled and dealt with. Display tank has had its sand bed changed, Sump had to have its DSB removed later, I went through a vodka dosing regime and h2o2 spot treating algae, at the same time i limited feeding to 2 days a week. Bad combo with a anthias and some shy fish so i discovered. lesson learnt, nitrates at zero, feeding has been improved for a few weeks now, nitrates still at 0, algae is gone and i keep monitoring my nitrates to find the line of happily fed fish and too much food. I also grow macro algae in both the display and sump, a maintenance dose of vodka and have a decent clean up crew. Rowsphos also running with carbon. It was a slow battle and a few lessons learnt the hard way. Now i know to keep the food well out of reach from my son :D

btw, heres my current feeding regime
feed NLS micro-reef powder twice a week, NLS flake twice a week, and Frozen enriched brine 1-2 times a week, also macro-reef pellets now and then. Had more frozen food variety but my wife left it out of the freezer when getting ice cream for the kids.

as for the dotty back, if he wont leave the wrasse be, my wife wants it gone.

naesco 06-03-2013 03:24 AM

If you are starving fish to death I think you have some serious issues.
For your sons sake please seek help.

Proteus 06-03-2013 03:31 AM

Sounds like a start. I'd like to see some water changes in that regimen.

Getting rid of the dottyback would be a start possibly the wrasse to.assessors are a neat hardy fish. There are also some great chromis

neven 06-03-2013 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by neven (Post 822748)
I'll be waiting atleast a few weeks before new stock, currently still sitting at 0 nitrates and near 0 phosphates. Corals are all doing great, and water change 10G / week.

last part of the first post

mrhasan 06-03-2013 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 822765)
Sounds like a start. I'd like to see some water changes in that regimen.

Getting rid of the dottyback would be a start possibly the wrasse to.assessors are a neat hardy fish. There are also some great chromis

You are biased towards assessors ;)

But yah they are great little colorful fishes :D

Proteus 06-03-2013 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by neven (Post 822769)
last part of the first post

I see :)

Originally Posted by mrhasan (Post 822775)
You are biased towards assessors ;)

But yah they are great little colorful fishes :D

Maaybe ;)

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