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Coralgurl 05-06-2013 02:36 AM

I know it's normal for wrasses to hide when first introduced to a tank, but not knowing if they are ok is killing me. 1 out of the three is out, the other 2 hid when I was feeding yesterday....please wrasse gods, let these 2 be ok!

Tn23 05-06-2013 02:56 AM

They tend to hide when introduced to newly to the tank, some will even hide for a couple of days until they are comfortable with the new environment.

fishoholic 05-06-2013 03:40 AM

Doug and I are on the grrrrrrrrr wrasses train right now. Took 90% of the rock out and dug through the sand in the 34g trying to catch the radiant wrasse and still couldn't catch him :twised: 3hrs later he's out in the open and I swear he's laughing at us!

Coralgurl 05-07-2013 01:27 AM

I loved my radiant wrasse! Why are you trying to catch him?

On another note, I've got eggcrate as a cover, figured I'm safe with wrasses....not!! Stupid baby solar wrasse jumped, found him on my dosing table beside the tank.....still haven't seen the other 2.....I'm done with wrasses!

fishoholic 05-07-2013 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 816976)
I loved my radiant wrasse! Why are you trying to catch him?

On another note, I've got eggcrate as a cover, figured I'm safe with wrasses....not!! Stupid baby solar wrasse jumped, found him on my dosing table beside the tank.....still haven't seen the other 2.....I'm done with wrasses!

He's getting to big for the 34g tank he's in. We bought him for Doug's 260g but his leopard wrasse kept chasing the radiant into the overflow. Now that the radiant's bigger (and we added a mystery wrasse and starry blenny to Doug's tank) we thought we'd move the radiant at the same time and hopefully he'd settle in ok.

Coralgurl 05-13-2013 02:11 AM

I'll be damned! Feeding my fish tonight and who decides to pop out? The exquisite wrasse, been 7 days since I'd seen it. He's pretty skinny looking so will be feeding a bit heavy for a bit. Still no sign of the other lubbocks tho :sad:

Delphinus 05-13-2013 03:05 PM

When I had a lubbock's wrasse, without word of lie or exaggeration, it was six months before I caught even a fleeting glimpse of him. I had long given up on him as dead. I had tried to make my rockwork nice with holes and caves, but I had no idea it was that effective. Soooo .... I say don't give up hope. Six months! Totally ridiculous...

Coralgurl 05-13-2013 06:01 PM

Thanks Tony! I was pretty discouraged as I've bought 7 wrasses over the past couple of months and only have 2 swimming around. One jumped, one looked like it rubbed or got stuck on a rock and died. The other 3 just disappeared (until last night). So, I won't give up on them yet.:lol:

TimT 05-13-2013 07:41 PM

Wrasses are kinda funny in that they go through jet lag and take up to 3-4 weeks to adapt to a new time zone. This is especially true if you get them when they just arrive to the stores.

sunoka 05-13-2013 07:56 PM

jet lag
When I bought my leopard 6 years ago it was on Philippian time still up at night eventually she changed to the time zone but for the first 2 weeks I didn`t see her and now she is changing sex to a of her/him before and now in this form Marine Fish.I am picking up a female now at the end of the month so I expect to go through this again.....

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