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Delphinus 04-29-2013 03:42 AM

Nikon DSLR users - anyone here using a D600?
I'm curious if anyone is using a D600 for tank photography?

Top-dogg 04-29-2013 04:05 AM

I'm using d800. I'm still trying to figure out the right settings to take a pic under led. The pics are too blue when I take shots.

fishoholic 04-29-2013 04:29 AM

I have a Nikon d3100 its a good camera but I still haven't learned enough about it to figure out all the settings on it yet to make the colour right.

fishytime 04-29-2013 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 815100)
I have a Nikon d3100 its a good camera but I still haven't learned enough about it to figure out all the settings on it yet to make the colour right.


scubadawg 04-29-2013 05:02 AM

I have a D700 and D800, do a manual white balance

Delphinus 04-29-2013 05:35 AM

I was kind of hoping for user experiences on the D600. I'm really tempted to look into this one as the reviews are very good. It's basically the 7000 or 7100 but with a full frame sensor. It's also very similar to the D800 but 16Mp versus 24Mp and literally half the cost. I'm not sure that the extra 8Mp would make a huge difference to me so I'm really excited about the possibilities that the D600 might offer.

I'm coming off a D70s which is about 6-7 years old now, and while it's a great camera for most things, it really has a lot trouble with tank shots unless I bump up the ISO to max (which is 1600 and very grainy) or take 4 seconds per exposure which only works for corals and even then only if I turn off all water pumps and let the tank settle. And yet even then, the colour rendition is quite poor compared to many other cameras. I'm sure some of it is white balance but even with an adjusted white balance the saturation is just not there.

I'm somewhat torn because even though it's lot less than another other FX sensor model, it's still a heavy handed purchase and even if going used or refurb it pretty much nails the coffin shut for an eventual move to LED lights over tank for quite some time. I've already mentally come to terms that I'm not switching my big tank over to LED this year, I will replace the halides (a few months overdue now, been holding off because .. well I kind of thought I might switch to LED but everytime I price it out .. I just can't do it). So be that as it may, my second most profound annoyance with my tank these days is that I can't take pictures of the tank that stand in the peer group of most Canreefers who post pictures. Let's face it, I'll never be Kien and I won't try but I still wonder if I'd be happier if I could post something that doesn't 100% suck.

But then again the D7000 and D7100 would also be a huge jump from what I have, and certainly compare to the D600 with higher ISO options but are half the price again (at the cost of going with a DX sensor over an FX sensor).

Some of my lenses I've had for a while and basically date back to when I shot with a 35mm Nikon so that's why I'm still tempted to go FX because the lenses were meant for 35mm. The zoom effect is neat with the DX sensor but there are times I try shooting with one of my macro lenses and I have to stand 8 feet back otherwise all I have is one enormous fish eyeball filling the entire frame. It turns out there is such a thing as too much zoom. :lol:

Vistek offers rentals of cameras so I might just rent one for a weekend and see how it plays out and then I'll have a better idea of whether I'm ready to pull the trigger or not but in the meantime I'd still like to hear from any users about how they like it for tank shots. (Please and thank you!)

:) thanks all!

windcoast reefs 04-29-2013 05:55 AM

Currently I would stay away from the d600. At least until the supply chain is purged of the models with issues. There is a bad case of dust being pulled thought the camera into the inner workings. I've sold a few dozen d600's in the past month and I've had 11 returned to nikon with dust issues. I'm not sure if nikon has identified a batch or specific serials, but it might be worth a call to nikon Canada to confirm. I'm still waiting to hear back from my nikon rep to see if it's an isolated batch or not.

Also the d600 is running at 24mp and the d800 is 36mp. It's a big difference but unless your shooting commercial work I wouldn't bother with the d800. If your looking for high ISo then any of the cameras you mentioned will work gear for that, even the d7000 is a great low light performer.

I think your on the right track with renting the camera first, you may find out its way to much or just right.

Anyway you go, you'll get a good camera, just keep an eye on the d600 and check for dust periodically.

scubadawg 04-29-2013 06:04 AM

How many lenses do you have in the DX format? If you have a lot in glass, then go with a D7100, if you don't have too much invested then upgrade to FX.

I have a 10.5mm, 12-24mm, 18-200mm in DX
I started with a D70, then went to D200's, then D300
sold my D70, and sold my D300, went to the D700, still have 2 D200's which I have the underwater housing for the D200's

Now I am buying the D800 underwater housing.

If you want you can try my D700 or D800 on my tank, I have 2 - 60" Sunbrite LED's over my tank

I have 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 85mm, 17-35mm AFS, 24-120mm, 24-120 VR, 28-70mm AFS, 70-200mm AFS VR, 80-200mm AFS, 60mm micro, 105mm micro, 105mm VR micro, lenses to choose from.

I live on the north side, east of Red Coral

Delphinus 04-29-2013 07:23 AM

I have about 4 or 5 lenses, nothing spectacular but about 3 of them were really meant for 35mm. I'll have to look up their model #'s and spec them out to be certain if there's a huge advantage to sticking with them and going FX. I'm just sort of assuming things would be better since the bigger sensor area presumably has more to grab light with comparatively (one would think anyhow).

Unfortunately I'm totally in the wrong city otherwise I'd totally take you up on that offer scubadawg. Thanks anyhow!!

Windcoast - ooh, interesting. Good to know, thanks for the head-up!

fishoholic 04-29-2013 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 815101)

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