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Werbo 04-12-2013 02:40 PM

Encrusting monti vs Acro
What typically happens when encrusting montis and acropora meet?

Anyone had an encrusting monti overgrow and kill an established acro? Provide details about the monti species (superman, sunset, pokerstar, ect)

Just trying to figure out coral placement and what encrusting montis may become a problem.

Aquattro 04-12-2013 02:43 PM

The answer is always going to be "it depends". I've had various montis and acros grow together, and I've had them kill each other. I don't think you can really predict the outcome.

Werbo 04-12-2013 03:19 PM

What monti packed the punch to kill an established acro?

Aquattro 04-12-2013 03:25 PM

It was a cap. But it would depend on the acro as well.

reefermadness 04-12-2013 03:45 PM

Caps and digitata have a weak sting compared to encrusting montipora. Encrusters pack a punch...if you think about it makes sense as their only way to continue growing is to overgrow whatever is around it.

Werbo 04-12-2013 03:59 PM

So as general rule should encrusting monti be kept on there on rock?

I have a sunset monti surrounded by acros. Should I remove it and isolate the monti just to be safe?

kien 04-12-2013 05:22 PM

I like to keep all my encrusting montis (Rainbow, Sunset, Poker Star, etc) on their own rock. I have watched my sunset and rainbow monti's devour surrounding acros. Now what I do is corral them with some epoxy.

Haloreef 04-13-2013 05:06 AM

Monti vs Acro
I currently have a Superman monti over growing a Red Planet colony a Montipora Digitata (Forest Fire) and a unknown acro.
I have a Turaki and a encrusting Monti I got from Superfudge that have just come together and the Turaki is kicking ass.
My Undata Monti has come into contact with my Lime in the Sky stag and they seem to have called a truce.
Pokerstar monti in a battle with two Desalwi and the acro is holding its own.
My Sunset monti is slowly loosing a battle with my Blue Berry Cheesecake monti (might have to do something there!)
Blue Berry Fields monti is slowly overtaking my Setosa.
Chilli Pepper and Undata don't get along either.
Rainbow Monti and a purple Porities are not fighting, just growing in some crazy shapes to shade each other out.
Strawberry Fields and Flower petal Caps are fighting and the Flower petal is winning.
I guess you just can't tell the out come until it happens.

Werbo 04-13-2013 10:06 PM

Wow. Thanks for that rundown of the monti war zone :)

Not sure what I m gonna do with my sunset monti. Such a nice coral

Duker 04-14-2013 08:10 PM

Hey Tyler, i have a monti confusa growing into an acro bonsai and they are literally growing into each other and pushing each other upwards, its kinda cool. i also have a sunset monti that is growing into some porities and that chemicla war looks as though the porities will win. I also have an unknown acro gowing really really close to a super pretty red encrusting monti and that war has been yet to be determined. i vote for individual encrusting rocks now, like i do with my zoas. Happy happy happy!!!
But then you have lots of mini coral islands all over the bottom, which takes away from the "negative space" which is crappy.
good luck with the battle!

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