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StirCrazy 03-20-2013 03:28 AM

so went to the telus store today
and came home with a new BBerry. I mist say I was on the fence on buying a Galaxy S3 but in the end the Bberry Z10 won out.

so far I am really impressed, fast, stable, real easy to pick up on, and a real cool way of navigating the phone.

in my opinion this phone is enough to get back people who went to iphone and android because they weren't getting the versatility from BBerry, but it won't steal any die hard fans away from apple (cuz we know real apple people are just weird anyways :mrgreen:) or android.

mind you you can side load android apps onto the Z10. this also offsets the low number of apps (only 100 000 as of yesterday). and every day more big names are jumping in with there designed for BB10 apps instead of just porting the android ones.

not saying its the best phone in the world but I am saying it is the best blackberry on the planet and one that was long overdue.

Also the fact that I can have a decent phone while "buying Canadian" is cool to.


mike31154 03-20-2013 03:46 AM

I replaced my mobile last year some time too, but I'm old school. I like me phone to be a phone, not much more. I hardly ever use it for internet access, I don't text so my needs are simple. I have a bright yellow Samsung Rugby. It can take a drop or two without falling apart & does what I need to do, talk to people & take calls. For everything else, I use a desktop or notebook. I don't get the tablet thing either. On the fence for a new notebook soon, hopefully something with a solid state drive.

mseepman 03-20-2013 04:40 AM

I'm pretty die hard android (both tablets and phones) but I run a BB too as I don't find either of the others can really handle work related use nearly as well. My company tested moving us to Apple but in the end every tester agreed, the technology just wasn't as good or reliable. That new Z10 seems to be really built well. I found the "feel" of the phone was superior to any others I tried. I'm not yet due for an upgrade but will surely consider it when the time comes.

Dearth 03-20-2013 06:00 AM

I like the new BB10 but I have both an Iphone4 and Ipad2(64) and love the ease that they are to use my biggest complaint is the proprietary issue with apple no flash.

But I know several people who have the new BB and love it easy to use and very user friendly.

reeferfulton 03-20-2013 06:06 AM

I too have a z10 and I like it a lot..
Have had I phones before. But there is just something about the z10 that feels great.

Can you side load the apex app?

lastlight 03-20-2013 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 804002)
my biggest complaint is the proprietary issue with apple no flash

Download Puffin. Problem solved =)

reefermadness 03-20-2013 12:07 PM

I got the Z10 a little while ago for work after I drove over my bold 9900. Im a little old school BB user I guess cause I was missing my keyboard at first although Im getting used to it. BB is coming out with a Q10 with keyboard next month.

On a side note.....what is the deal with so many apps any way. I've tried some and ya there ok but do we really need a million apps that 95% are useless.

Dearth 03-20-2013 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 804008)

Used it before not overly happy with it when I had it spotty tended to crash a lot, kill my battery super fast and at the time $1.99 I paid for it I was not worth the price very leery to touch it again

FishyFishy! 03-20-2013 01:05 PM

I currently have the S3, and I do love it.... But man do I ever miss having a keyboard. My old blackberry torch was the best combo between touch screen and keyboard. I kinda miss its cumbersome booty. Something about big fingers and a touch screen are just annoying lol.

Haven't heard much about the Z10, but good to hear that people are enjoying it. I would hate to see a canadian company go under.

StirCrazy 03-20-2013 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by mike31154 (Post 803971)
For everything else, I use a desktop or notebook. I don't get the tablet thing either. On the fence for a new notebook soon, hopefully something with a solid state drive.

I was like that till I got my first BBerry, then e-mail was all on the cell phone, I like be able to have my e-mail with me all the time.

as for tablets, I got a samsung galaxy note 10.1 for christmas, I can totaly see the tablet thing now, I find myself useing the lap top less and less and it stays home on trips now as I take the tablet.


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