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Vancouver Reefer 03-09-2013 03:45 PM

Total DIY Controller & Reef Build
Hi all,

So i'm finally installing the tank and Aquatroller. Hope to be getting wet in the next week or so. I have overhauled my journal website and added a build page of the aquarium install.

Hope you enjoy....

Reef Pilot 03-09-2013 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Vancouver Reefer (Post 800448)
Hi all,

So i'm finally installing the tank and Aquatroller. Hope to be getting wet in the next week or so. I have overhauled my journal website and added a build page of the aquarium install.

Hope you enjoy....

Very impressive indeed. I'm sure you did this more for the learning and challenge. But just curious, what more can your controller do than a Neptune Apex, or do better?

(and where were you when I was building my panel on my plane in Langley:smile:)

reeferfulton 03-09-2013 04:16 PM

looks great . Love your sump room . nicely planned out .

Vancouver Reefer 03-09-2013 05:01 PM

Reef Pilot:
The panel was the easy bit!! Pity i moved from Langley last April or i would help you out!! The reason why i chose to build my own was for the challenge and i could make it completely custom to my needs. Also i could build it for 1/3rd the cost of an apex with similar capabilites. I also want to build a custom PC interface for it next and an apex would not work for me.

Thanks for the praise fulton. Yes my whole reef system has been planned out many times over. I have seen what works and what doesnt and how easy maintenance can be done with the right working environment I hate hands and knees under a stand!!!!

Reef Pilot 03-09-2013 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Vancouver Reefer (Post 800465)
Reef Pilot:
The panel was the easy bit!! Pity i moved from Langley last April or i would help you out!!

Actually, it was 13 years ago that I built my first panel, and it was a bit of a learning challenge alright. Since then I have replaced my transponder and radio, and did a bit of rewiring, but it still all works. Although a pro avionics guy would shudder if he looked behind my panel.

Since then I built a 2nd plane, but it was a piece of cake compared to the first one.

I lived in Winnipeg for 10 years, and used to hang out in the Kenora, Minaki, Lake of the Woods area for fishing, and other stuff... When are you coming back to Vancouver? I'm sure you are not out there in Kenora as your first choice?

Vancouver Reefer 03-09-2013 05:31 PM

Actually i am here by choice. I love it. Job is great and the no rain is a blessing! Although i cant say the same for Winterpeg!! Dull and gloomy city. Oh and i can get anywhere in 15 min! No chance of that back in Langley!! :D

Reef Pilot 03-09-2013 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Vancouver Reefer (Post 800479)
Oh and i can get anywhere in 15 min! No chance of that back in Langley!! :D

Yeah, but I live 3 min from the airport, and can get pretty far in 15 min... We have a cabin at Harrison , and it's only a 30 min flight for me (no snow or ice there). In fact, am heading out there after lunch for some mtn biking.

But you are right, Kenora is a great place if you like outdoors and wilderness all around. Sure don't like the price of avgas there, though. Have passed through there a couple of times.:sad:

WindowMaker 03-09-2013 09:51 PM

You're the kind of ADD that I enjoy...

Vancouver Reefer 03-24-2013 02:37 AM

Do it right or don't bother is my mantra! :lol:

mark 03-24-2013 11:50 AM

nice bit of aquariums/controller 101 on your site

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