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canadianbudz604 03-03-2013 09:41 PM

30g fish
I've got 2 clowns and 2 yellow clown gobies in my 30g mixed reef. I would like to add one more fish. I've tried a chalk bass and a 6 line wrasse, but the clowns bullied them and I found both of them dead on the carpet. What's a cool non jumping fish that I could add?

fixerupper 03-03-2013 09:45 PM

How about a pajama cardinal?
Very mild mannered, reef safe, non-jumping and cool looking.

canadianbudz604 03-03-2013 10:13 PM

Yeah pajama cardinals are cool is it better to add 2 of them because they are schooling fish? Any other suggestions?

Proteus 03-03-2013 10:50 PM

Maybe the clowns need to go first if there being agressive

Or try a damsel or dottyback as they'll hold there own

toytech 03-03-2013 11:04 PM

The clowns probably wont ignore most fish if there already agressive , they might have to go.

Dearth 03-03-2013 11:27 PM

Lawnmower blennie?

canadianbudz604 03-03-2013 11:34 PM

The small clown isn't bad but the big one likes to headbutt everything. Would a 4 stripe damsel beat up my clowns? Law mower blenny would be cool, I thought they had to be in a 55 g?

fixerupper 03-03-2013 11:39 PM

I've got several aggressive fish and they don't bother my PJs from what I've experienced. It's probably because we gave them tough sounding names. Brutus, Tank and Dozer seem to hold their own just fine. I wasn't aware that it was a prerequisite to keep them in groups though.

Dearth 03-03-2013 11:39 PM

I have a lawnmower blennie in my 33 gallon with a neon goby yellowtail damsel and 4 green chromis with no issues of territory dispute

canadianbudz604 03-04-2013 12:16 AM

I thought for sure the 6 line wrasse would hold his own and he was fine for a few weeks but he stumbled onto the area the clowns host and then he we was public enemy. They leave my clown gobies alone though. The lfs has a few different types of damsels, they also have pj cardinals. I'm gonna go have a look and see tommorow. Be cool to get a lawnmower Blenny. I don't know what to get. What do u guys feed ur lawnmower blenny

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