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Aaron2 02-15-2013 08:44 PM

This weeks new shipments
It’s been another couple busy days for shipments here at the shop, here’s what we’ve brought in for you:

Eibl Angels
Potter’s Angels
Bartlett’s Anthias
Evansi Anthias
Lyretail Anthias
Royal Gramma
Barnacle Blennies
Tailspot Blennies
Sailfin Blennies
Copperband Butterfly
Longspine Cardinals
Pyjama Cardinals
Insolatus (Purple & Yellow) Chromis
Red Mandarins
Green Spot Mandarins
Hector’s Gobies
Yellow Watchmen Gobies
Blackcap Jawfish
Dusky Jawfish
Antennae Gobies
Yasha Hase Gobies
Diamond Gobies
Tiger Wardi Gobies
Dragon Gobies
Marine Betta
Bluestripe Pipefish
Valentini Puffers
Atlantic Tangs – Yellow phase
Yellow Tangs
Naso Tangs
Powder Brown Tangs
Red Sea Regals
Sailfin Tangs
Convict Tangs
Sargassum Triggers
Laboute’s Wrasse
Radiant Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Blue Flasher Wrasse
Carpenter’s Wrasse
Filamented Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
Long Tentacle Anemones
Emerald Crabs
Anemone Crabs
Arrow Crabs
Yellow Tip Hermits
Red Tip Hermits
Hawaiian Feather Dusters
Sea Hare Nudibranchs
Astrea Snails
Bumble Bee Snails
Nassarius Snails
Trochus Snails
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Anemone Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Fromia Stars
Plus 35 new Zoa Colonies (They haven't opened yet, so pics will be forthcoming)

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