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SanguinesDream 02-11-2013 01:26 AM

Wow, look at this growth in a week!
I bought this great frag of a pocillopora from whatcaneyedo shipped last Monday, and look at phenomenal growth in just under a week.

compared to tonight. Look at the bottoms. Wow.

And here is growth on the orange monti cap

Compared to tonight. Look at all of those new polyps growing. Man, that is amazing.

I bow down to whatcaneyedo for the great quality frags. I am so impressed. Thanks man.

daplatapus 02-11-2013 03:24 AM

I got some of the same pieces from him last year, and got the same stellar growth. My plating Monti's are several layers now and looking awesome!
Great frags!

whatcaneyedo 02-11-2013 05:00 AM

The polyps on the lower hidden branches of the pocillopora tend to loose colour and eventually die as the rest of the colony grows. But since that section was busted apart it now receives light in areas that were becoming overgrown. So I wouldn't necessarily call it growth, more like renewed life for those lower branches. That coral probably grows at a rate of 1/16" per week for me which is pretty good but those green star polyps will dominate your tank faster if left unchecked.

ensquire 02-11-2013 05:55 PM

Can't go wrong buying from Russell
I've had 2 orders from him and both were well worth it.

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