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Wayne 02-02-2013 03:44 PM

Edmonton and Area Store Tours
Hello reefers, to all the Edmonton and area reefers that may not check the Edmonton Region Forums. Store Tours begins today and runs all day, check it out and help support our generous retailers :lol::lol:

craigwmiller 02-02-2013 08:53 PM

Thanks for arranging this and to the stores who participated today!

I'm already looking forward to the south side next week!

My purchases of the day are on my journal (in my sig)


noirsphynx 02-03-2013 03:38 AM

:photo:Picture time, what did everyone get.
I went to Red Coral very late but got a couple things and I didn't go to AI for obvious reasons :lol:
(without flash)
(with flash)
blue ricordia

badfish! 02-03-2013 04:28 PM

I got the little guy on the left from Red Coral, I already had the female on the right for about a year and a half. Thanks Doug for the advice on how to add him, they seem to be getting along great! They have been following each other around the tank since last night :biggrin:

BlueWorldAquatic 02-03-2013 04:57 PM

Looking forward to our turn next weekend. Lotsa goodies planned for you guys.
Sorry I'll be in calgary, but I'm just a phone call away

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