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bulletsworld 05-06-2004 11:50 PM

NEED less stress in my tank, so FISH FOR SALE:

$ 25 Yellow Tang - had a year, med size, needs a tank 75gal or more. She is the bully, territorial, ruler of my tank. Although she was the first fish I bought for this tank. I know, I know.

$10 (4) Chromis, they school nice together but every now and then they nip at my cowfish tail.

$10 Cleaner Wrasse- Just bought it last week, but cowfish freaks when wrasse gets close. Can't stress cow = leak toxin! EEK!

Offers welcome. If you are interested Please PM me. Thanks a bunch.
Also no signs of ich on these fish but cowfish has ich so just a heads up.

Dez 05-07-2004 12:33 AM

I will take the chromis if they are still available.



Quinn 05-07-2004 05:33 AM

I thought cowfish ate inverts? :question:

How's the cleaner wrasse doing?

BT 05-07-2004 02:58 PM

I am interested in the tang if it is still available.

bulletsworld 05-07-2004 05:41 PM

Sure Chromis all yours if you want. Now I just have to catch them. :eek:
Want me to drop them off or your wanta pick them up?

O.h, So you want my cleaner wrasse? :lol: With the cow eating inverts...nope, You must be thinking of the longhorn cowfish, I have a camel back cowfish(way cooler). :biggrin: Mine's bestfriends with the shrimps & has never touched my starfish or even my hermit crabs. But if I stick my hands in the tank she will bite me. So not people safe. :lol:

Yup if your interested in the Tang you got first grabs. I can drop off or you can pickup, let me know.

Pisces 05-07-2004 09:14 PM

Is the cleaner Wrasse still available? I'd be interested in that! :biggrin:

bulletsworld 05-07-2004 10:41 PM

he all yours unless Quinn wanted him. Quinn?

Na, I think he's all your's then Pisces.

I pm'd you my number.

Quinn 05-07-2004 11:05 PM

Naw, wouldn't do well considering my tank is coming down. :lol: Was just interested as they apparently have a poor track record.

bulletsworld 05-09-2004 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by teevee
Naw, wouldn't do well considering my tank is coming down. :lol: Was just interested as they apparently have a poor track record.

Yeah cowfish are pretty risky considering the toxin release thing and all but my thornback cowfish doesn't eat inverts but that my own experiance. By far the coolest fish I have come across and is really personable. Will follow me around the tank & will even eat from my hand. Very cool. But I hear your Blue tang does that too?

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