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Reef_Geek 12-27-2012 07:07 PM

So what Boxing Day deals did you get?
So what did you get on Boxing Day/Week that was a good deal?

I'll start off.

Got two yellow watchmen gobies at $14 each
A shatterproof Aqueon 200w heater for $45

Got a 20x18x20 Marineland 27 gallon cube with cabinet stand for $100 (what?), will use as a frag tank

Got a bunch of crap from BustedBuy online also, but they are somewhere in the mail... waiting for my $200 Samsung soundbar & subwoofer 280watt system and a $130 Olympus TG-810 waterproof (to 33 ft) point-and-shoot camera. Got a 16GB SDHC memory card for $10 (what?).

DiverDude 12-27-2012 07:15 PM

ReefCrystals for $40 a bucket (bought 4).

sphelps 12-27-2012 07:26 PM

A Maxi, a Welso, an Acan & a 60 gallon starphire rimless tank for less than $80 :surprise:

magikof7 12-27-2012 07:50 PM

Grats Sphelps! that is a beautiful tank.

I got 3 Maxi Minis for the price of 2 and a nice fox coral that is now 2. :D

Snappy 12-27-2012 08:22 PM

Replaced my pair of dragon pipes, a small foxface for additional algae control in the frag system, a mate for my maroon clown & a couple of clown gobies.

Ginu 12-27-2012 08:39 PM

Got a ecotech battery backup for $170 - stupid landlord is shutting off the power on the 31st from 8am to 5pm and it can be delayed even longer (I work all day until night... to make things worse)
Top fin battery powered air pump - $9.99 (might pickup another one or two)
Bunch of plumbing supplies
Two peppermint shrimp for $6.26 each (hope they dont bail out on me as its nice to have one or two for aptasia control)
PE Mysis Shrimp $11.16
Flake Frenzy food $5.40

And bought a crib setup for the child which ran $370 for the entire setup + sheets, duvet, pillow and other crap (baby is enjoying his new setup)

Reef Pilot 12-27-2012 08:54 PM

Besides stocking up on supplies, I added some SPS to my tank including a Cali Tort, Purple Stylo, Tyree Sunset, Yellow Birdsnest, Tenuis and a bright green fuzzy Acropora (not sure yet what it's called).

fishyfishster 12-27-2012 09:00 PM


lpsreefer 12-27-2012 09:11 PM

Does a hangover count?

Leah 12-27-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by mattjoly85 (Post 776937)
Does a hangover count?


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