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fishoholic 12-12-2012 01:42 PM

Murphy's law strikes again!
So amazingly enough for once Purolater had perfect delivery timing and came with my parcel shortly after I got home :biggrin: Couldn't believe my luck of actually being home to receive it! Then I opened my parcel to find vitamin supplements for dogs instead of the fish tank heater I had ordered?!?!?! Not sure how petsmart made that big of a leap but at least they said they will refund my money and I can keep the dog vitamins. Much would of preferred the heater though :neutral:

Anyone else got some interesting Murphy law stories? Share them here :biggrin:

Seriak 12-12-2012 02:27 PM

Lol Maybe they had one too many at lunch like those Chrysler workers!!

FishyFishy! 12-12-2012 02:43 PM

LOL now thats just silly... like... I can't even imagine how that happened...

"oh look, a fish tank heater order"

"lets vitamins! close enough!"

Like wtf! hahaha

Oilers 12-12-2012 02:54 PM

That's interesting. Anybody wants to order an Ipad from BestBuy? You might get sent 5 of them :biggrin:

Northernseacorals 12-12-2012 03:21 PM

That is hilarious, and disturbing at the same time :lol:

Treebeard 12-12-2012 05:57 PM

Last night's water change could have gone better.
I have the cord for a power head threaded through an enlarged hole in the egg crate cover. So in order to remove the egg crate to get in and clean the tank I need to thread the plug back through the hole. As I am attempting to do this, the middle of the cord fell onto one of my large clams which promptly snapped close on the cable. I patiently wait for him to open up enough so I can remove the cable and get the egg crate off the tank, but every time I try he snaps shut again. I finally move on and try to do the cleaning from the other half of the tank and let him chew on the cable all night if he wants!

Next, I decide to clean the inside part of the exterior portion of my overflow box with a sponge pad. I get it clean, and head down to the basement to add the new water to the sump. I add enough so that the intake can draw water and restart the return pump. I have most of it added and the water is returning to the sump from the display so I figure everything is fine and add the rest. I start fiddling with something else and after a few minutes I realize that I can no longer hear the water splashing into the sump from the display tank. Upstairs I go to see whats up, and of course I have a beautiful waterfall cascading down the side of the tank. I dash back downstairs and yank the cord on the pump, and go back to investigate what the problem is. My wonderful wife and heard my "language" from the kitchen and was already mopping up with towels. Anyways, turns out I had left the sponge pad on the edge of the overflow box, and of course it ended up IN the overflow box and blocked the return.

So along with my wive's help, I finished the water change and commenced to draining a bottle of Pinot Noir.

Oh ya, and I finally removed the power cord from the clams yap this morning! :biggrin:

fishoholic 12-12-2012 07:11 PM

Treebeard that sounds like a crazy night :sad:

fishoholic 12-12-2012 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 772652)
LOL now thats just silly... like... I can't even imagine how that happened...

"oh look, a fish tank heater order"

"lets vitamins! close enough!"

Like wtf! hahaha


Originally Posted by Northernseacorals (Post 772668)
That is hilarious, and disturbing at the same time :lol:

I know right! :crazy:

mrhasan 12-12-2012 07:17 PM

Maybe those pills are exothermic and when dropped in water heats up the water?

Checklist by pet stores:

Improper packaging (check)
Wrong address (check)
Expired product (check)
(And newly introduced)
Dog product instead of fish (check)

That's some kind of propaganda I guess. Its throwing a message like "hey look, the dog products are more appealing than a fish tank heater; get dogs, throw away the tanks".

Northernseacorals 12-12-2012 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by mrhasan (Post 772760)
Checklist by pet stores:

Improper packaging (check)
Wrong address (check)
Expired product (check)
(And newly introduced)
Dog product instead of cat (check)


Totally :lol::lol:

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