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JTracy 12-09-2012 02:20 AM

Current set up plus future Aspirations
Would like to start off by saying hi and giving a little background to my past and present experiences in the aquarium hooby. I have made mistakes in the past, mostly with equipment that I purchased but I will not get to much into that.
I started like many with a small fresh water aquarium that I had for about 8 months. It was then that I cought the salt water bug. From there I got a small 15gal tank with 2 clownfish and some lps. That tank lasted me for another 8/9 months. I then upgraded to a 90gal mixed reef. I had this running for a year before I had to move. I sold all of my fish exept the clownfish.
When setting up at my new place I put all my coral and the clownfish in my quarantine tank while I got my 90gal set back up. What I did not realize was the heater that I was used and had from when I started the hobby no longer worked and when I checked up on everything the next morning I found that my coral had some serious damage to them and one of my clownfish had died. I would not be able to save the coral and soon after the second clownfish died. This whole experience turned me off of the 90gal mixed reef setup that I had, sold most of my equipment and purchased a Red Sea Max 130d that I have been running for the last year and a half.
I am now starting to get items for a new set up that I am hoping to have going by mid to late summer. It will either be 36"w x 30"d x 30"h or 36"w x 30"d x 24"h. The final decision belongs to my wife. I got my first item today, a Bubble King 180 from a fellow canreef member wayner. Thanks Wayne:biggrin:. I will do a list of items that I am looking at/ thinking about using for this tank.
I will get some pictures up once I figure out how to post them. I think it is b/c the file sizes are too big but I do not have time to figure it out right now b/c I have to go play hockey in an hour.
It has been nice to explain my experience and I hope to share my future experiences as well.
Take care all,

kien 12-09-2012 04:58 AM

Your experience sounds fairly common of most hobbyists I'd say :-) Welcome to Canreef! :-)

Snappy 12-09-2012 06:23 AM

Welcome to Canreef.
For uploading pictres I recommend setting up an account with photobucket or some other online site and link the pictures.

wayner 12-09-2012 09:18 AM


Nice meeting you yesterday, and Welcome to Canreef!, I'd say your off to a good start and should find most of your answers to your questions here.


JTracy 12-10-2012 03:19 AM

Here Are a few pics of my current set up
thanks for the advice snappy

JTracy 12-10-2012 03:23 AM

Here is the bubble king that I picked up yesterday:biggrin:

mrhasan 12-10-2012 03:42 AM

Cheers :D

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